Markleeville, CA…A meeting took place at the Command Post in Gardnerville, NV at 1000 hours. The following is the most up to date information: The fire is still at 25,000 acres but due to smoke overhead the Fire Service has not been able to get an accurate estimate or location of the fire on both the eastern and western edges. Updates on the size should be made sometime today or at the 1900 hours meeting this evening.
Still approximately 10 buildings burned and hundreds threatened. Additionally, 300 people have been evacuated but new evacuations are in the process of taking place on Blue Lakes Road and the Charity Valley area off of Hwy. 88. No estimate is available for the number of people that have been evacuated at that location at this time.
Currently, the fire is two miles from Hwy 88. CHP is continuing to man closures at Hwy 88/89 intersection at Woodfords, at Diamond Valley Road and Hwy 88, and at the intersection of Hwy 89 and Hwy 4 on the extreme south end of the South Lake Tahoe Area.
Weather: Rain producing thunderstorms are moving into the area and there is a 60% chance they will have enough moisture to help with some of the fire, however, they will also create wind.
The weather going forward in the week is predicted to return to the normal dry, warm conditions that are typical for the area.