President Biden Delivers Remarks on Lowering the Cost of Prescription Drugs

59 Responses to "President Biden Delivers Remarks on Lowering the Cost of Prescription Drugs"

  1. Anonymous   October 22, 2024 1:37 pm - at 1:37 pm

    Joe’s still hanging on?

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 6:07 am - at 6:07 am

      Of course he is, can’t you see the monofilament line hold him up?

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 6:18 am - at 6:18 am


      Democrats running for Senate in the critical “blue wall” states for Democrats have reportedly been running away from Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign for the presidency. This comes as the Democratic nominee has seen a drop in the polls in several swing states and Donald Trump has been gaining ground with voters.

      According to The Hill, Democratic candidates have even gone so far as being careful in how they criticize Trump in states such as Pennsylvania and have instead focused on policies without taking many shots at the GOP nominee.

      The incumbent Sen. Bob Casey (D-PA) has even gone as far as endorsing Trump’s tariff policies in recent weeks. The Casey campaign posted an advertisement just last week that called him “independent” and bragged about him bucking against the Biden-Harris White House on the issue of fracking and “sid[ing] with Trump to end NAFTA.”

      Berwood Yost, the director of the Center for Public Opinion Research at Franklin & Marshall College told the outlet, “There’s no party affiliation in Casey ads. I don’t recall seeing any that say ‘Democrat’ or anything like that. He’s running as an incumbent on his own record.”

      “He’s trying to distance himself a little bit from an administration that is viewed negatively by the most part. He doesn’t want to be tied to that either through Biden or Harris,” he added. Trump has been outpolling multiple Senate Republican candidates.

      Sen. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) is also reportedly feeling the heat of the race in Wisconsin, she ignored Biden and Harris in her debate with GOP opponent Eric Hovde and made one mention of Trump in her debate last Friday, per the outlet. In contrast, Hovde tied Baldwin to the Biden-Harris White House, a messaging approach that Republicans have been doing in Pennsylvania as well as Michigan.

      Baldwin, like Casey, has also tried to tangentially connect herself to the GOP presidential nominee, “Tammy Baldwin got President Trump to sign her Made in America bill, then she got President Biden to make it permanent,” an advertisement says about the Wisconsin senator.

      Senate candidate Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) as well, has sounded like a Republican at times, per The Hill. Her third term as a House member is coming to an end, and she made a pitch for the Senate. Slotkin previously said, “I’m not feeling my best right now about where we are on Kamala in a place like Michigan right now. We have her underwater in our polling,” per the outlet.

      The Democratic Senate candidate has been sure to keep her distance from Harris as well as Biden. As the election gets closer and if Harris drops in polling among swing state voters, similar messaging may be seen among more Democrats in races. Private polling from the Baldwin campagin itself has shown that Harris is underwater in the state.

  2. Anonymous   October 22, 2024 2:08 pm - at 2:08 pm

    The US pays the highest for prescription drugs because of our bought Congress. Corruption rules the Congress, many quit representing the people- all of America long ago, how we got “Medicare Advantage” a total sellout to the med ins cos. It has been aggressively sold, in a confusing way intentionally, being private corporate insurance, they never should of been allowed to use the word Medicare. The “advantage” scheme denies the major costs like hospital, operations, where true Medicare does not. Sadly many find this out after, and lose their homes due to the bills Medicare would of paid. Medicare advantage is a fraud on America, Thx Congress. The drug cos get their new drugs from taxpayer research, yet the deal is the patients pay high prices up to 10 x what others in other countries do because of the corruption of our Congress. The medical lobby had 10+ lobbyists dangling contributions in front of the Congress members who will allow them to pitch them.
    We must allow Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices.
    The Republicans are the main culprits blocking a complete negotiation of them. If the drug cos can still have a profit with the same drugs in all other countries , they surely can in the US also.

  3. Anonymous   October 22, 2024 3:35 pm - at 3:35 pm

    Speaking of drugs, looks like the Mexican Cartels are shooting towards our open borders now. Wait till Trump is president and declares the Mexican Cartels a terrorist organization and stands up to them with a few cruise missiles.

    American News

    Sinaloa drug cartel gangsters have been let loose by their bosses to shoot and kill US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents, NewsNation reported Thursday. There has always been an understanding between the cartels and the border patrol that gangs won’t use lethal force against US agents lest they invite a massive retaliatory response from US security and police.
    But all cards are on the table since the arrest of two senior syndicate bosses, Ismael ‘El Mayo’ Zambada and Joaquín Guzmán López, means younger gangsters are battling it out for control of the organized crime unit. The syndicate’s civil war means that its frontline gang members aren’t exercising any caution when it comes to using force to evade capture. The change in procedure was picked up by the El Paso, TX sector of CBP, which has been warning agents across the southern border to exercise extreme caution and not to assume that Sinaloa border gangsters will not try to kill them.

    Just last week, according to the memo obtained by NewsNation, ranch contractors in the Eagle Pass area of the Del Rio Sector in Texas said they were fired upon by shooters in Mexico. The workers reported seeing numerous individuals where the firing originated but it was impossible to assess exactly how many. There were no fatalities or injuries reported as a result of the shooting.

    Victor Avila, a former special agent within Homeland Security Investigation, told NewsNation that CBP and all law enforcement agencies connected with border security should take this new development very seriously as it indicates the structural deterioration of the Sinaloa cartel and the willingness of the surviving factions to take greater risks to commit their criminal activity. “The No. 1 reason they fight for these plazas is because these plazas are the corridors to enter the United States, whether California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and that’s the major fight because the Sinaloa cartel has controlled that whole area,” Avila said.

    CBP says it is very concerned about the heightened aggression from the cartel and deems it unacceptable for them to threaten the lives of border patrol agents. It has vowed to safeguard its members and any migrants in their custody.

    Along with the more heightened level of violence, the syndicate also appears to be using more sophisticated, military grade weaponry to commit its crimes. A cache of such equipment was found near Ajo, AZ, on the other side of the border.

    Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump told NewsNation that the situation demands the response of US troops. “We need a military operation. These people have become military,” Trump said. “They’re very rich, have a lot of money. They’re among the richest people, probably in the world.”

  4. Anonymous   October 22, 2024 4:41 pm - at 4:41 pm

    Trumps French fry stunt was stupid. Can’t even get a job at McDonald’s because he’s a felon.

    • Anonymous   October 22, 2024 5:55 pm - at 5:55 pm

      Still better than lying about working there to boost your fake middle class background

      • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 7:17 am - at 7:17 am

        ^^You are a moron. You believe Trumps constant lies. Get over it doofus, Harris worked at McDonalds, Don the con is working you!!! And he is winning. Not an independent thought in your little pea sized brain. You believe everything Trump says. You are a pathetic little idiot.

        • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 9:21 am - at 9:21 am

          Hmm, did you work with her? How come none of her coworkers or anyone has come forward? You would think they would be proud to say they worked with the VP back in the day!! It’s not about believing Don but her obvious lie 🙂

          • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 10:33 am - at 10:33 am

            Why aren’t you bothered by trump’s obvious lies?

          • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 11:40 am - at 11:40 am

            I am not a fan of Trump or his behavior in many, many ways. However the left does not believe in absolute free speech. So they will infringe on the first amendment and the second as well.

            If we as a country lose those we lose all our other freedoms. So who is the bigger risk to all of our freedoms? It is obviously Kamala.

            For those of you who say “what about abortion?” Ask yourself. That issue has now been sent back to the states.

            In CA abortion is not only still legal but way to pay for it have been multiplied.

            The right is standing up for the right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness even for the unborn.

            You may not like that approach but it fits within the larger argument about the sanctity of life itself.

          • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 11:52 am - at 11:52 am

            At this point the left is just comically evil. They staged a coup against the sitting president to “Save Democracy” which in leftist speak just means to save the unelected swamp creatures.

            They will try to tell you the overpaid, unelected creatures that infect every level of government are actually democracy?

            Public employee labor unions have made it impossible to get rid of these idiots even for cause.

            No one is going to rally to the cry of save the bureaucrats anymore.

        • Anonymous   October 25, 2024 2:45 pm - at 2:45 pm

          Except McDonald’s said they have NOTHING ANY WHERE, where it says she did.
          And you’re calling someone a MORON, you stupid Fuking Idiot. You believe everything Biden or the Hoe tells you. Go back to watching your cartoons, ya idiot.

      • Anonymous   October 24, 2024 11:43 am - at 11:43 am

        There is NO proof Harris lied! Digital records do not exist that far back to prove anything. Trump is trying to make Harris look bad to take focus off his incompetence and shortcomings. He never just focuses on issues the people want him to solve. This whole thing with Trump has nothing to do with MAGA. It’s just a popularity contest like a high school kid and he will lie, cheat, and pay to win so he can say people like him. The “people” didn’t like him in 2016 (popular vote, not paid electoral vote) or 2020 and they still don’t like him.

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 7:19 am - at 7:19 am

      But you drove to McDonalds for a large order of fries!

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 7:23 am - at 7:23 am

      But you couldn’t wait to drive to MsDonalds for a super size order of fries!

  5. Anonymous   October 22, 2024 7:01 pm - at 7:01 pm

    Still lying about getting spanked by Stormy. Weak old sex offender

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 7:24 am - at 7:24 am

      I love it when Anti spanks me.

  6. Anonymous   October 22, 2024 7:03 pm - at 7:03 pm

    Still lying about speaking to Putin Seven times. Insurrectionist felon on bail.

  7. Anonymous   October 22, 2024 7:10 pm - at 7:10 pm

    No hair net. No Gloves. Just dirty pussy grabbing little hands. Sickening…

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 7:26 am - at 7:26 am

      You’re just bummed out he didn’t grab your pussy.

  8. Anonymous   October 22, 2024 8:38 pm - at 8:38 pm

    look if one candidate is going to close the campaign with “Hitler had good ideas and we should use the military on domestic enemies” and he still wins the election, I dunno man

    I have to believe we’re better than this

  9. Anonymous   October 23, 2024 6:00 am - at 6:00 am

    The democRats have no shame, nothing new their. The racist left trying to say Trump is the Nazi? Their the ones chanting to commit genocide against Jews, you just can’t make this up, they’re the dumbest people on the planet.

    On Tuesday, The Atlantic published a piece claiming that during a December 2020 Oval Office meeting, Trump was outraged at the $60,000 cost of the funeral for murdered Army private Vanessa Guillen and issued comments attacking her. Guillen’s sister and top officials have refuted The Atlantic’s reporting.
    20-year-old Guillen, the daughter of Mexican immigrants, was killed in April 2020, being bludgeoned to death at Fort Hood and her body being burned and buried in a river bank. Shortly after her death, Trump invited Guillen’s family to the White House. “I saw what happened to your daughter Vanessa, who was a spectacular person, and respected and loved by everybody, including in the military,” Trump told Guillen’s mother. He later said, “If I can help you out with the funeral, I’ll help—I’ll help you with that. I’ll help you out. Financially, I’ll help you.”

    In a December 2020 Oval Office meeting regarding a national security issue, Trump asked whether a bill was sent for the funeral. The Atlantic alleged, according to “attendees, and to contemporaneous notes of the meeting taken by a participant,” that an aide responded a bill was received and the cost was $60,000. “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a f*cking Mexican,” The Atlantic quoted Trump as saying. “Don’t pay it.”

    Human Events Daily host Jack Posobiec wrote, “Defense official who was present at the meeting discussing the soldier’s funeral said Trump said ‘nothing of the sort,’ only asked about making sure the funeral was paid for, and that Milley had aides there who may have planted the Atlantic story.”

    “Wow,” Mayra Guillen, the sister of Vanessa, wrote in response to the piece, “I don’t appreciate how you are exploiting my sister’s death for politics- hurtful & disrespectful to the important changes she made for service members. President Donald Trump did nothing but show respect to my family & Vanessa. In fact, I voted for President Trump today.”

    Trump spokesperson Alex Pfeiffer told The Atlantic, “President Donald Trump never said that. This is an outrageous lie from The Atlantic two weeks before the election,” and provided statements from Kash Patel, who was the former Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller, and a spokesman for former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, the latter of which denied that Trump ordered Meadows not to pay.

    Patel said in a statement, “As someone who was present in the room with President Trump, he strongly urged that Spc. Vanessa Guillen’s grieving family should not have to bear the cost of any funeral arrangements, even offering to personally pay himself in order to honor her life and sacrifice. In addition, President Trump was able to have the Department of Defense designate her death as occurring ‘in the line of duty,’ which gave her full military honors and provided her family access to benefits, services, and complete financial assistance.”

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 10:35 am - at 10:35 am

      Trump is the one saying he wishes he had hitler’s generals.

  10. Anonymous   October 23, 2024 6:58 am - at 6:58 am

    The above sounds like the raving lunatic Trump. Give it a rest. He a convicted felon going to prison.

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 7:12 am - at 7:12 am

      The bottom line is this. Trump is, putting it all in a nutshell, a lying POS. And you know what? His base is stupid. Just plain stupid. How else do you explain his base, the local Republicans included, falling for his constant lying rhetoric? Now the politicians backing him at least have an excuse. They have caved for their own political existence. Its either agree with him or your carreer is over. But what excuse do local Trumpaholics have? Oh wait, I know. They are gullible and stupid. Look in the mirror Gomer & Mrs. Gomer. You are all stupid, low intelligence like Trumps wants them, and gullible. You are also part of a cult. Must be nice being that fuking stupid.

      • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 9:27 am - at 9:27 am

        Without all your “stupid” friends, neighbors and business people. You would starve, your ac wouldn’t be fixed, semi trucks wouldn’t deliver food to your store. You wouldn’t even have an electric car. NASA couldn’t get anyone or anything to the space station without Putin. The entire left is not only arrogant but actually believe they are “better” than anyone who actually makes the world work.

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 7:28 am - at 7:28 am

      The only place Trump going is to the White House.

  11. Anonymous   October 23, 2024 7:06 am - at 7:06 am

    Q: Trump said to you that those who died for America on the battlefield were ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’? And he said it more than once?

    Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly: Yes

  12. Anonymous   October 23, 2024 7:20 am - at 7:20 am

    The “suckers and losers” are local Trumpsters. Donate lately? Buy a watch, a bible, or tennies from him yet sucker? Those are the REAL suckers and losers.

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 7:47 am - at 7:47 am

      You know what, Kamala hasn’t ever tried to sell me shoes, or NFTS, or Kamala bibles, or stock in her social media company…. Hmmm

      • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 9:29 am - at 9:29 am

        Because she has nothing to sell and no skills but nob polishing her way up the ladder

        • Anonymous   October 24, 2024 8:31 am - at 8:31 am

          ^^You believe anything Hannity, Gutfeld, Tyrus, Newsmax, etc., etc., tell you, don’t you? You are the classic trump recruit. Illiterate………………………..

  13. Anonymous   October 23, 2024 7:45 am - at 7:45 am

    What makes this election so nerve-wracking are the stakes: Donald Trump is an adjudicated rapist and a convicted felon. He’s currently free on bail after being convicted of 34 felonies and under indictment in multiple jurisdictions. An embittered, increasingly radical, and obviously decompensating Trump openly campaigns on racial scapegoating and retribution against his political enemies. He makes no effort to hide his authoritarian and dystopian vision for a second term.

    Trump is also unraveling before our eyes. His rally speeches are increasingly meandering and incoherent even by their previous low standards. His race his redder and his makeup worse than ever. During a Pennsylvania rally last weekend, Trump rambled for more than 10 minutes about the late golfer Arnold Palmer, with a bizarre focus on his penis size. Meanwhile, on social media, Trump rants like an online troll you’d immediately block.

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 7:48 am - at 7:48 am

      ^^And you know what?? Local trumpies eat it up. Take anything Trump says and devour it whole. What a bunch of suckers, REAL suckers.

      • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 9:32 am - at 9:32 am

        Kamalas the only one doing the sucking

        • Anonymous   October 24, 2024 8:32 am - at 8:32 am

          If thats the best you got^^^just STFU you trumpster moron.

        • Anonymous   October 24, 2024 12:02 pm - at 12:02 pm

          Harris had a relationship with a man 30 years ago that used his position to take advantage of women. Harris was not his first rodeo. But no-one talks crap about Brown. Harris’ relationship wasn’t illegal. Trump and his actions are not only more recent but totally illegal and deliberate.

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 8:04 am - at 8:04 am

      Trump just rambles incoherently during his rallies and softball interviews on right-wing TV and podcasts. He promises to magically fix everything, and while that con artist bluster might’ve fooled the gullible in 2016, he was actually president and has a record of failure beyond passing unpopular tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. His defiantly ignorant and petty choices while in office left the country unprepared for the one true crisis of his presidency — the covid pandemic, which he failed spectacularly.

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 9:31 am - at 9:31 am

      Ever read this “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor”! How many have been paid directly or indirectly to try and convict him.

      Your lawfare is not only offensive it is offensive to God!!

      • Anonymous   October 24, 2024 12:36 pm - at 12:36 pm

        It’s offensive to God how you mix up your politics and religion. You diminish God when you bring Him down to the political realm of man. And Jesus would weep if he heard what you are saying about your fellow man. Love thy neighbor.

  14. Anonymous   October 23, 2024 8:23 am - at 8:23 am

    We are going to need a real cognitive test for the Donald. Not the fake doc Ronnie bull shit report from five years ago. It’s extremely apparent. His inability to hold any thought for more that a few seconds. He is a gross old demented sex offender out on bail in multiple cases. We are never going back to his racist stupidity. He is sickening and disgusting. I personally hate his lying insurrectionist fat ugly criminal ass…

  15. Anonymous   October 23, 2024 8:27 am - at 8:27 am

    Just what America needs. Trumps WEAVE. STRAIGHT INTO FUCKED UP LEADERSHIP.

  16. Anonymous   October 23, 2024 8:31 am - at 8:31 am

    ^^Agreed. Wish someone would take him out.

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 9:33 am - at 9:33 am

      and why Democrats should never be in power again! In their hearts they will actually kill to stay in power.

  17. Anonymous   October 23, 2024 8:39 am - at 8:39 am


    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 10:16 am - at 10:16 am

      The California morons have spoken

  18. Anonymous   October 23, 2024 9:11 am - at 9:11 am

    The Amazing Doc Ronnie. AKA THE CANDY MAN. Had a Medical license. His Specialty helping people deal with DRUG ABUSE AND ALCOHOL ADDICTION. BY Prescribing more DRUGS TO DONALD and DON JR. And then pouring a ROUND of TEQUILA SHOTS. That’s called DRUNK MAGA

    • Anonymous   October 23, 2024 12:41 pm - at 12:41 pm

      ^^ another left lunatic who believes that Kamala is the best Democrat ever, just because she swallows

      • Anonymous   October 24, 2024 8:34 am - at 8:34 am

        Do you^^^^swallow? I bet you do.

  19. Anonymous   October 23, 2024 4:26 pm - at 4:26 pm

    Everyone knows Trump is an adjudicated rapist. A Felon. And is going to prison.

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  22. Anonymous   October 24, 2024 4:20 pm - at 4:20 pm

    The Times published audio of the Kelly interview, in which he describes how Trump “commented more than once that, ‘You know, Hitler did some good things, too.’” In a separate interview with the Atlantic magazine, Kelly recalled Trump telling him that he wanted obedient generals like “Hitler’s generals.” Trump “certainly prefers the dictator approach to government,” Kelly told the Times.

  23. Anonymous   October 24, 2024 4:22 pm - at 4:22 pm

    Imagine if Harris were promising to end the war in Gaza on her first day in office but wouldn’t say how. Imagine if she were proposing a tariffs-based economic plan that economists say would destabilize the world economy and cost the average family $4,000 a year in higher prices. Imagine if she were promising a “bloody” campaign to uproot and deport millions of undocumented migrants who are gainfully employed and paying taxes. And imagine if Harris were vowing to use the military to go after her political opponents, as Trump repeatedly pledges.
    Kelly and Milley are hardly the only career servicemen to sound the alarm about a potential second Trump term. Two of Trump’s defense secretaries, Marine Corps Gen. Jim Mattis and Army Lt. Col. Mark T. Esper, and one of his national security advisers, Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster, have also warned about Trump’s erratic performance as commander in chief.
    They join a long list of civilians who worked in the Trump administration and say there should never be another one. Never has there been such a chorus of officials who served a president telling the nation that under no circumstances should he be elected again.

  24. Anonymous   October 25, 2024 7:46 am - at 7:46 am

    Trump to staff, innauguration day 2025;

    “Aachtung baby.”

  25. Anonymous   October 25, 2024 10:08 am - at 10:08 am

    The donkey democrats need to learn what democracy means. And smack the liberal kids they raise. And listen to the song Walk like man. It’s embarrassing. And disgusting disgrace to the grandparents.

  26. Anonymous   October 25, 2024 2:42 pm - at 2:42 pm

    Ladies and Gentlemen, our latest Town Hall meet and greet with VP Kamala Harris, brought to you by CNN and our Judges from The View….Ummm, you may applaud now, I’m done and waiting for the standing ovation…WOW, it’s a tough crown of…looks like a dozen or two people here. What, that’s the networks crew? Well, still it’s close to a dozen, maybe a bakers dozen.
    Let’s rock this folks before people start a stampede for the exits.

    Question: VP Harris, what will you do different then President Biden and your last administration if you become President?

    Question: VP Harris, what will be your first action if you become our next President?

    Question: VP Harris, if you are, our next President, how and what will you do about the Israel and Palestine conflict and keep this from engulfing the entire Middle East?

    Question: VP Harris, how will you help the American people with their higher energy cost, their higher mortgage payments, their maxing out of their credit cards, their highest cost ever of filling their vehicles, the highest cost of groceries in our history, the $100’s of Billions of Dollars taken away from cities and states from the ten plus million illegal immigrants that the tax payers must pay for giving them free medical, housing, education, phones, jobs, day-care and food. Plus that was money that was to help American veterans and our homeless population, that President Biden and You are totally responsible for all of this?
    Answer: TRUMP’S A FASCIST!

    Well you heard it here first America, on CNN with our very own Judges from The View, who gave Our Next President a PERFECT SCORE ON EVERY ANSWER, THAT’S NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN OUR ENTIRE ONE YEAR HISTORY AND FIRST SHOW!!! VP Kamala Harris has answered every single one of our questions without a split second pause. So rest assured, she is rocking, she’s set for her and her party’s A NEW WAY FORWARD! ummm you all can applaud now….WAKE UP!!! I SAID APPLAUD OR WE WON’T OPEN THE CELL!!!
    While Trump says things like Drill Baby Drill! We Will Be Energy Independent! We Will Be Strong Again! We Will Be Respected Once More! We Will Kick Out Our Violent, Murderers , Gangs, Rapist, Communist, Terrorist, Illegal Immigrants! We Will Fix Our Economy! We Will Bring Back Businesses! We Will Bring Peace Back To The Middle East And Stop The Conflict Between Russia and Ukraine! We Must Take Our Country Back, America First, MAGA = Make Affordable Groceries Again!!!
    Oh please, we all know Socialism works, because our political leaders in DC, and our Billionaires like Soros and Taylor Swift are Democrats, just everyday people like you poor, stupid idiots who believe every lie we tell you…haha like Biden is as sharp as a tac…, oh sorry, I had my notes on Trump here missed up with …yeah yeah that’s it, I was reading what Trump was thinking….the notes.
    This is a paid advertisement for the White Guys With Cats Drag Queen, Transgender & Pedophiles Who Show Their Breast To All For The Kamala Harris Presidency.
    And Those Kindergartners Approve Of Our Message

  27. Anonymous   October 25, 2024 3:03 pm - at 3:03 pm

    The LA Times ( a lib Dem paper) won’t endorse Harris. The Washington Post ( a lib Dem paper)won’t endorse Harris, a first time in 38 years. A close source said Bezo doesn’t want to alienate Trump because he’s seeing that Trump’s numbers are skyrocketing in the polls. It seems Kamala went the Hillary route of 2016 and not being able to give any type of view what she would do if she won the presidency. All she has is Hitler, Hitlers Generals, democracy is at stake, and her stupidity of open borders, and lying about everything she now agrees with what Trump would do, like she thought of it first.
    Her last Town Hall meeting with Maria Shiver was no questions they were ALL pre question like a movie production. Look it up DUMBaCRAPS, that’s what you want after electing a dementia patient? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHA


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