Joe Rogan Experience, The Donald Trump Interview

36 Responses to "Joe Rogan Experience, The Donald Trump Interview"

  1. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 6:49 am - at 6:49 am

    This idiot left his fans waiting for over three hours. Last night. Tiny CROUD. WEAK AND LOW ENERGY….

    • Anonymous   October 26, 2024 9:10 am - at 9:10 am

      That sounds like Sniveler to me!

    • Anonymous   October 26, 2024 2:38 pm - at 2:38 pm

      A tiny croud? If Trump played a tiny violin it must of been for the left’s tears knowing Kamala is falling further and further behind. All those millions she’s paid ” Celebrities” to join her on stage. In Chicago one night, Lizzie made $2,000,000.
      Oh wait!!! Did you mean Crowd? And you’re calling someone stupid?

      • Anonymous   October 26, 2024 2:46 pm - at 2:46 pm

        Did you listen to kamala’s last Town Hall?

        Ladies and Gentlemen, our latest Town Hall meet and greet with VP Kamala Harris, brought to you by CNN and our Judges from The View….Ummm, you may applaud now, I’m done and waiting for the standing ovation…WOW, it’s a tough crown of…looks like a dozen or two people here. What, that’s the networks crew? Well, still it’s close to a dozen, maybe a bakers dozen.
        Let’s rock this folks before people start a stampede for the exits.

        Question: VP Harris, what will you do different then President Biden and your last administration if you become President?
        Answer: DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE!

        Question: VP Harris, what will be your first action if you become our next President?

        Question: VP Harris, if you are, our next President, how and what will you do about the Israel and Palestine conflict and keep this from engulfing the entire Middle East?

        Question: VP Harris, how will you help the American people with their higher energy cost, their higher mortgage payments, their maxing out of their credit cards, their highest cost ever of filling their vehicles, the highest cost of groceries in our history, the $100’s of Billions of Dollars taken away from cities and states from the ten plus million illegal immigrants that the tax payers must pay for giving them free medical, housing, education, phones, jobs, day-care and food. Plus that was money that was to help American veterans and our homeless population, that President Biden and You are totally responsible for all of this?
        Answer: TRUMP’S A FASCIST!

        Well you heard it here first America, on CNN with our very own Judges from The View, who gave Our Next President a PERFECT SCORE ON EVERY ANSWER, THAT’S NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE IN OUR ENTIRE ONE YEAR HISTORY AND FIRST SHOW!!! VP Kamala Harris has answered every single one of our questions without a split second pause. So rest assured, she is rocking, she’s set for her and her party’s A NEW WAY FORWARD! ummm you all can applaud now….WAKE UP!!! I SAID APPLAUD OR WE WON’T OPEN THE CELL!!!
        While Trump says things like Drill Baby Drill! We Will Be Energy Independent! We Will Be Strong Again! We Will Be Respected Once More! We Will Kick Out Our Violent, Murderers , Gangs, Rapist, Communist, Terrorist, Illegal Immigrants! We Will Fix Our Economy! We Will Bring Back Businesses! We Will Bring Peace Back To The Middle East And Stop The Conflict Between Russia and Ukraine! We Must Take Our Country Back, America First, MAGA = Make Affordable Groceries Again!!!
        Oh please, we all know Socialism works, because our political leaders in DC, and our Billionaires like Soros and Taylor Swift are Democrats, just everyday people like you poor, stupid idiots who believe every lie we tell you…haha like Biden is as sharp as a tac…, oh sorry, I had my notes on Trump here missed up with …yeah yeah that’s it, I was reading what Trump was thinking….the notes.
        This is a paid advertisement for the White Guys With Cats Drag Queen, Transgender & Pedophiles Who Show Their Breast To All For The Kamala Harris Presidency.
        And Those Kindergartners Approve Of Our Message

    • Anonymous   October 26, 2024 2:56 pm - at 2:56 pm

      You’re so right, the Left, what idiots.

      It seems the majority of Americans are sick and tired of the left calling Trump a Nazi and blah blah blah.
      Read and weep socialist leeches.

      Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party are super into calling Donald Trump a fascist, a Nazi, actually the reincarnation of Hitler. They lean into this talking point every chance they get. Hillary Clinton’s been doing it since 2016, Joe Biden jumped aboard before he was kicked off the ballot by his VP, and Kamala Harris has been leaning into this reincarnated Hitler notion repeatedly as the campaign season comes to a close. But is it working?

      A clip of a undecided voter focus group from the battleground state of Pennsylvania has emerged on social media showing a man saying that he’s starting to lean Trump specifically because of all the rhetoric and fearmongering.

      “I can’t,” he said, “I think part of the reason why I’m being pushed towards Trump so strongly is I find that the Democrats and the left keep going straight to Hitler all the time with everything.”

      “Like, and if it’s not the left pushing Hitler it’s the right pushing Stalin, so it’s like we’re fighting World War II every day for every single election. It’s so exhausting. I think it just detracts from—It pushes me away from their position. It’s so hyperbolic that it makes it impossible to have good discussions and I think it ruins the discourse.”

      When the moderator asks the others on the call if they think it’s useful to have Hitler brought up so often, they all shake their heads “no.” Pennsylvania is a key state in this presidential election and its 19 winner-take-all Electoral College votes are highly sought after by both candidates.

      During Harris’ rallies and town halls she has been repeatedly asked about her plans for a potential presidency and her policy ideas, and in so many cases, she has answered with complaints about Trump. After her recent town hall with CNN, even the pundits who are known to be favorable to her said that she “focused a lot more on Donald Trump… than many specifics in terms of what she would do as president.” And as she did, she called him a fascist.

      When asked to speak out against Trump’s border policies, Harris could only say that she didn’t think Trump implemented his own policies as well as he could have but declined to say that she thought they were bad policies. In fact, Harris has co-opted several of Trump’s policy ideas despite calling him a fascist.

      Harris even held a press conference, the first one of her candidacy, simply to invoke the notion that Trump and Hitler were essentially separated at birth. “It is deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous that Donald Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man who is responsible for the deaths of 6 million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Americans. All of this is further evidence for the American people of who Donald Trump really is,” Harris said. She took no questions.

      She brought up the same concerns in her CNN town hall, saying that the “bombshell” comments from a disgruntled, former Trump White House chief-of-staff should be a “911 for the American people.” But the truth is no one cares. It’s a bit like Peter complaining about that imaginary wolf. Americans saw the four years of Donald Trump, the lack of fascism (i.e. consolidation of government power), the non-reemergence of Hitler, cheaper gas prices, and record low illegal immigration.

      Prominent Jewish pundit Ben Shapiro finds the whole comparison rather confusing. He posted a photo of himself with Trump and a tablet in Hebrew, saying “I’m sorry, am I supposed to now believe that Trump is a Hitlerian Nazi? Because on a personal level, I have some questions.”

      It’s pretty clear that neither Harris nor anyone on the Democrat side will be willing to answer them.

  2. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 6:52 am - at 6:52 am


    • Anonymous   October 26, 2024 8:40 am - at 8:40 am

      Someone’s TDS is showing :).

    • Anonymous   October 26, 2024 2:44 pm - at 2:44 pm

      Who’s Fry?

  3. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 7:50 am - at 7:50 am

    Like the fecal matter I flushed down the toilet this morning, I await the chance to flush down trump in the near future. He is truly one big orange turd.

    • Anonymous   October 26, 2024 10:08 am - at 10:08 am

      Did you say goodbye Kamala as she was going down.

  4. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 8:43 am - at 8:43 am

    With the 2nd gentleman being a Jew, and Jews do not circumcise there male children do you think kamala pulls back his foreskin and eats the head cheese. what do you think Sniveler?

  5. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 10:16 am - at 10:16 am

    That folks is what a MAN looks like. Not A democracy and a democrat.

  6. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 11:47 am - at 11:47 am

    As the sign hanging on a dairy fence in Escalon reads “. ENOUGH OF THIS BULL S HIT”, Trump 2024

  7. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 11:50 am - at 11:50 am

    The Ho had the puss, whatever his name is, castrated, hoping this would create a entry spot for one of TAMPONS , TAMPONS!

  8. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 12:06 pm - at 12:06 pm


  9. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 12:06 pm - at 12:06 pm

    As usual the MAGAs post crude. rude nothings.
    They have nothing, just as their cult leader has nothing , but some king of incarceration for his felony conviction , and his pending cases of which includes state secret docs, he was told he could not take with him. He has shown many times he is a wannbe fascist autocrat, the MAGAs like this , as they are looking for daddy.
    They need serious psychiatric help.

    • Anonymous   October 26, 2024 2:41 pm - at 2:41 pm

      Oh look, another socialist who points his fingers as his side is being disgusting.

  10. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 12:07 pm - at 12:07 pm

    Kamala’s “trash patch “ reads WILLIE WONKA

  11. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 12:19 pm - at 12:19 pm

    What is a “facist autocrat “?

  12. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 12:26 pm - at 12:26 pm

    No interview whatsoever, only a bitch session as always with him – total ignorance, totally orange.

  13. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 12:43 pm - at 12:43 pm

    What is a “fascist autocrat”?

    • Anonymous   October 26, 2024 2:19 pm - at 2:19 pm

      Look it up on Google – he fits the descriptions perfectly, because he is!

  14. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 12:46 pm - at 12:46 pm

    Sniveler swing by the Church before services tomorrow wink wink , Your Pastor

  15. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 2:43 pm - at 2:43 pm

    84 Women Rescued By Texas Officers From Houston-Area Brothels Run By Mexican Cartels: Authorities

    Goodness, no wonder Democrats love Kamala, she brought them all in for the FELON’S

    Oct 26, 2024
    2 minute read, democrats 10 to 30 minute read

    The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) and the Human Trafficking Rescue Alliance launched a significant operation in Houston on October 18, rescuing over 80 women believed to be victims of sex trafficking. According to the National News Desk, authorities found the women living in “deplorable conditions” within brothels disguised as bars and nightclubs.

    Inside the establishments, investigators discovered soiled mattresses on the floors of cramped, hidden rooms, conditions TABC Chairman Kevin Lilly condemned as a “house of horrors.” Lilly criticized cartel involvement, attributing the exploitation and suffering of the victims to cartel influence.

    “Their childhood has been stolen from them,” Lilly stated. “No counseling, no treatment, can ever take away the horrors that they’ve experienced.”

    During a press conference, Lilly described the brothels as purposefully misleading in appearance, resembling typical bars with dance floors and pool tables but containing hidden rooms with cement floors.

    “They run through an assembly line of horrific treatment and sexual abuse, some 30 times a day, from four in the afternoon until two in the morning,” he explained.

    Nine bars suspected of human trafficking in the Houston-area have been shut down following the raids that were conducted last week. Emphasizing the cartel’s influence at the border, Lilly argued for tougher measures.

    “We must close our border. An open border is madness. We’ve experienced it. I saw evidence of it. Please take the politics out. We have to act now. We have to end Catch and Release. We have to deal with the cartels. We have to declare them the enemy of our country and take action,” Lilly said.

    Lilly detailed how families crossing the border must often pay cartels exorbitant fees, sometimes up to $25,000 per person, a sum that many migrants cannot afford. He said women recruited with promises of waitress jobs are instead coerced into lives of “misery and horror” in the sex trade.

    “No one steps across the border without the cartels involved, and that involvement is monetary,” explained Lilly. “If you are a family and you come across the border, you have to play $10,000, $20,000, $25,000, per passenger, that’s money they don’t have. These are poor individuals, some who have walked 500 miles only to find out that they have to pay a toll that they don’t have.”

    The operation, dubbed Operation Bad Traffic, has already resulted in the arrest of four individuals on sex trafficking charges and the rescue of 84 women.

    • Anonymous   October 26, 2024 3:13 pm - at 3:13 pm

      (about Kamala’s Socialist Party of Leeches)
      October 25, 2024 1:52pm

      Updated: October 25, 2024 4:51pm

  16. Anonymous   October 26, 2024 7:20 pm - at 7:20 pm

    You go MAGAs !
    Now the Pa ballot fraud is just what it is.
    It feeds the brain numb tho.
    They run on BS.
    Sad some fall for BS , it must be a cult thing.
    Sadly the $ pushed this chit, and brainwashes, feeds their delusions.
    Facts, truth matters how quaint…
    What happened to America?
    Fox , Putin, and their chit .

  17. Anonymous   October 27, 2024 6:59 am - at 6:59 am

    Vance: Why does John Kelly not support Donald Trump? It’s about policy

    Tapper: No. John Kelly says he agrees with Trump on most policy but disagrees with him on praising Hitler and being a fascist

  18. Anonymous   October 27, 2024 8:21 am - at 8:21 am

    Kamala, NO ONE LIKES YOU!

  19. Anonymous   October 27, 2024 9:59 am - at 9:59 am

    Looks like the ULTRA MAGA CROWD IS PISSED OFF. Trumps campaign a complete disaster. His inability to complete any type of answer to basic questions. He looks like shit. Extremely poor heath. No medical records. JD a heart beat away. Taking the rights of Americans away. Everyone knows he is loosing big time.

  20. Anonymous   October 27, 2024 10:05 am - at 10:05 am

    The Republican Party should have taken the advice of Chris Christie. Do not make a convicted felon your nominee. This is not exactly rocket science.

  21. Anonymous   October 27, 2024 10:57 am - at 10:57 am

    I already voted for a convicted felon.

  22. Anonymous   October 27, 2024 11:29 am - at 11:29 am

    His chances of winning… Zero

  23. Anonymous   October 27, 2024 12:07 pm - at 12:07 pm

    MAGPA – Make America Grab Pussy Again!

  24. Anonymous   October 27, 2024 1:49 pm - at 1:49 pm

    Was there a moratorium?

  25. Anonymous   October 27, 2024 3:13 pm - at 3:13 pm

    Today his rally in NYC.
    A racism hate fest.
    This is his appeal- hate,fear, anger.
    He is unfit for the office.

  26. Anonymous   October 27, 2024 4:31 pm - at 4:31 pm

    He said America is a trash can …


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