Commissioner Wooster Misquoted ~ Letter To The Editor By Vicky Reinke

Angels Camp, CA…Commissioner Wooster’s comment is being taken out of context and misrepresented to the public. Mr. Wooster did not say “the term invasive species should include people from Mexico”. It is shameful that the media and the opposition are twisting his words to reflect a different meaning.

I was at the March 3, Planning Commission meeting, and heard the comment that Commissioner Wooster made. It was made in response to a discussion during the review of GP element Conservation and Open Space. This was not the first time that this portion of the general plan was discussed. The section was “Support efforts to eradicate invasive plant species and encourage practices that reduce their spread”. The suggestion was made to remove the term “plant” so the sentence would read “eradicate invasive species” which can include any living thing, including people. That is when Commissioner Wooster made the remark, “including people from Mexico?”, to point out how changing the language could also mean people.

I did not take the comment as being racist at all, only that Commissioner Wooster was concerned about the interpretation of the new wording. Commissioner Wooster explained his remark was due to illegal marijuana growing on private and public lands in Calaveras County by illegal Mexican immigrants employed by Mexican Drug Cartels.

Commissioner Wooster made a very sincere apology to anyone who was offended by his comment. The Board of Supervisors has addressed this incident and it is now time to drop the discussion and let the Planning Commission get back to business for the people of Calaveras County.

Vicky Reinke
Angels Camp