Be Inspired With A Maisieblue Mystery Box

Murphys, CA…It’s Autumn and time for another round of Mystery Boxes! Let’s see….I’m feeling like we need a dose of something new and different…. Want to sign up? Call, drop in, or go to our website to order your Oct 2016 Mystery Box . Select your Box Type: Make-Knit ($50) or Read-Books ($36) only. Then indicate color preference and pay. That’s it. Boxes ready to ship/pick up on Nov 2nd and Sign up now for best color selections.



Your box will be filled with lovely 100% pure USA wool dyed in gorgeous natural dyes all ready to knit the selected pattern. You’ll be the recipient of truly unique yarns, currently part of a very huge renaissance in the fiber world. As usual, there’s always additional pattern suggestions and extra tidbits to surprise & delight. This box will reappear as a class this winter so you’re getting first peek too!

Maisieblue is a collaboration between two sisters. One is a conceptual-creative that loves to shop and has a great instincts for what sells, but is very easily distracted by bright shiny objects, or chicken’s wearing malabrigo sweaters.The other sister is very good with numbers and keeps her flutter-bug of a sister tethered to reality. she has no trouble starting what she finishes and finishing what she starts. They make an excellent team. After years spent living away from their small hometown…they now live in the same town, with mom and dad just a stone’s throw away always a good thing when grandchildren are involved. A few months ago they found the sweetest shopfront and decided to take a chance.

66 Scott Street
Murphys, CA 95247