2016 Calaveras Volunteer Senior Of The Year

Arnold, CA…or the third year in a row, the Calaveras County Commission on Aging has recognized an Ebbetts Pass community member as Volunteer Senior of the Year and, in 2016, is Pete Padelford of Arnold.


All nominees, including Donna Shannon and Gary Smith, received Honorable Mention Awards and were recognized at an October 12th, luncheon at the Dodasa Ranch in Burson. Pete was recognized with an award by Mike Oliveira, District 3 Supervisor. 30 attendees included Steve Kearney, District 5 County Supervisor and County Representative to Commission on Aging and Cliff Edson, District 1 County Supervisor.

Pete was nominated by, several people, in recognition of his work for many years as coordinator in the VIP (Volunteers in Prevention) for the Blue Lake Springs subdivision in Arnold and his participation in the Do-Wooders. This is a group of retired men, in Arnold, who split and transport firewood to people unable to afford this necessity, to heat their homes. Pete recognized the need to reduce the fire fuel around the periphery of Blue Lakes and, spearheaded, work to obtain a grant to address this problem. The money was granted and fuel reduction was started. His other committee participations are numerous. Tree mortality has become such a big issue that Pete is coordinating volunteers who have been counting the number of dead trees on every lot in Blue Lake Springs. Blue Lake Springs has a total of 2026 lots, both developed and empty.