18 Arrested After Dual Raids Outside Of West Point

West Point, CA… The Calaveras County Sheriff’s Department is continuing in their efforts to curtail illegal marijuana grow operations in the area. In recent days the sheriffs department raided two nearby properties off of Argonaut Road outside of West Point resulting in numerous arrests. At approximately 12:00 p.m. nine individuals were arrested at the first location and then by 2:00 p.m. nine more arrests were made at the secondary lot off of Argonaut Road. Out of all the men and women arrested in this raid, only one was from West Point.


All of the arrested were charged with conspiracy to commit a crime, possession of marijuana for sale and illegal growing. The individuals are as follows: Sang Dinh from San Jose, Tony Dinh from Santa Ana, Sam Hun from San Jose, Chanthan Kuhn from San jose, Dan Hoang Le from San Jose, Thuyen Thi Nguyen from San Jose, Yian Chiang Saefong from Sacramento, Chiew Saetern from West Point, Kae Saetern from Sacramento, Linh Saetern from Sacramento, Luu Saetern from Sacramento, Nai Saetern from Sacramento, Ou Meng Saetern from Sacremento, Tammy Saetern from Sacramento, Chiem Choy Saevang from Merced, Meyching Saevang from Merced, Sam Boly from San Jose, and Duc Truong from Hawaii.