Supervisors to Consider “Dig Once” Street Trenching & Pavement Policy

San Andreas, CA….The public right-of-way is a unique public resource held in trust for the benefit of the public. This resource requires proper management to maximize its efficiency and longevity. As stewards of this public facility, Public Works constantly balances meager resources to forestall the deterioration of our roadways and recognize that deteriorated roads lead to increased costs to our taxpayers. In addition to our efforts to maintain our roadways, we minimize the inconvenience to and negative effects on the public from the use of the public right-of-way by contractors and utility companies through our standards and permitting process.

Nationwide studies have concluded that excavations in paved streets degrade and shorten the life of the surface of roads, and this degradation increases the frequency and cost to the public of necessary resurfacing, added maintenance, and unexpected repairs. In addition, studies have concluded that pavement degradation occurs
no matter how well the excavation is restored. Poorly executed excavation projects also result in aesthetic and rideability road surface impacts that affect neighborhood quality of life and result in a public nuisance.

Over the next five years, Calaveras County plans to invest more than $20 million dollars in comprehensive pavement repairs, rehabilitation, and restoration efforts throughout Calaveras County. With the proposed investment on a large number of county maintained roads, it is desirable to adopt regulations now that will
help protect our transportation system in the future.

On May 28th, the Calaveras County Board of Supervisors and public will be introduced to a ‘Dig Once’ policy for street cuts and trench and pavement resurfacing during their regularly scheduled meeting. The policy is directed at all excavation work within the public right of way and includes requirements for public safety, preservation of public property, site maintenance conditions, materials and equipment standards, trenching and compaction requirements, and insurance requirements. It also includes pavement restoration standards to ensure contractors and utility companies restore roads to a condition at or better than they were prior to
excavation and trenching activities. While no action will be taken at the Board of Supervisors meeting, the public is encouraged to attend and provide feedback on the proposed policy at this workshop. Based on feedback from this workshop, a revised final policy will come back to the Board for adoption in early summer 2019.

A copy of the draft Dig Once policy is available for download on the Calaveras County Public Works website at Information on the May 28th Board of Supervisors meeting can be found at If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact the Public
Works Department at (209) 754-6402.

Contact Person: Joshua Pack, Director of Public Works and Transportation
Telephone: 209-754-6402
Joshua H. Pack, Director