County Shutdown Order is Unconstitutional & Unlawful Says Chavez-Ochoa Law Firm in Cease & Desist Letter!

Valley Springs, CA…The following letter has been sent to Calaveras County by Valley Springs Law Firm Chavez-Ochoa on behalf or their clients. Ms. DeKay, On April 29, 2020, Dr. Kelaita extended the shelter-in-place order, thereby, preventing many local businesses, and my clients, specifically, from opening their doors to customers. This has had a devastating financial effect on their ability to remain in business. The numbers and the science do not justify a continuing order whereby businesses in Calaveras County need to remain closed. Regardless of what the Calaveras County Health Officer believes to be in his personal best interest, it clearly is not in the best interest of the citizens of Calaveras County. The full Cease & Desist letter is below…