Calaveras County Submits Readiness Plan for Reopening Businesses

San Andreas, CA…Calaveras County officials submitted the State required local attestation to move further into Stage 2 of Reopening as part of the State’s variance process. Last week the public Health Officer rescinded the local Calaveras County stay-at-home order, but the residents of Calaveras are still subject to the current statewide order. “The people of Calaveras County have been doing their part which has slowed the spread of COVID-19,” said Dr. Dean Kelaita, Calaveras County Health Officer. “We are taking the first steps towards reopening Calaveras County and have satisfied all the readiness parameters that the state has outlined.”

Once submitted, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) will review and post the County’s Variance Attestation to the State webpage. The community will be informed once it has been posted. “Businesses cannot reopen until the attestation is posted to the state website, but businesses can take steps now to prepare themselves for reopening,” said Dr. Kelaita.

As part of the attestation process, Calaveras County did a self-evaluation that took into consideration the following “readiness parameters”:
1. Epidemiologic stability of COVID-19
2. Protection of Stage 1 essential workers
3. Testing capacity
4. Containment capacity
5. Hospital capacity
6. Vulnerable populations
7. Sectors and timelines
8. Triggers for adjusting modifications 9. The County’s plan for moving through Stage 2

Further movement into Stage 2 means that the certain businesses can re-open so long as they meet State requirements that include:
1. Performing a detailed risk assessment and implement a site-specific protection plan
2. Train employees on how to limit the spread of COVID-19, including how to screen themselves for symptoms and stay home if they have them
3. Implement individual control measures and screenings
4. Implement disinfecting protocols
5. Implement physical distancing guidelines

Industry specific detail about how to meet these State requirements can be found at: Businesses that are allowed to reopen as part of Stage 2 should keep their risk assessment and site-specific protection plan on hand at their place of business so that customers who wish to see it, can.

Not all businesses qualify for re-opening as part of advancing in Stage 2. Only the following businesses can re-open in Stage 2:
 Retail Sector
 Logistics Sector
 Manufacturing Sector
 Destination retail, including shopping malls and swap meets.
 Personal services, limited to: car washes, pet grooming, tanning facilities, and landscape gardening.
 Office-based businesses (telework remains strongly encouraged)
 Dine-in restaurants (other amenities, like bars or gaming areas, are not permitted)
 Outdoor museums and open gallery spaces

A business not listed under Stage 2 is not allowed to reopen according to the State.
“I would like to emphasize that Calaveras is well positioned to move more quickly through the Stage 2 reopening as long as we maintain the gains that we’ve had,” said Dr. Kelaita. “Seeing a resurgence of COVID-19 activity in the county will undo those gains we have made to protect the health of our community,” said Dr. Kelaita.

For more information about Calaveras County’s Roadmap to Recovery, visit Call the Community Service Call Center at (209) 754-2896 if you have questions about the COVID-19 pandemic.