Sonora Police Dept Welcomes & Ready for Peaceful Demonstrations on Wednesday

Sonora, CA…From the Sonora Police Dept…”The Sonora Police Department is aware of the planned demonstrations for Wednesday in downtown Sonora. We have an incredibly supportive community that shares a respect for one another, so we are anticipating a peaceful event.

We fully support the freedom of speech that is constitutionally protected under the 1st Amendment, and we respect the message being conveyed regarding the tragedy surrounding Mr. George Floyd’s death. The actions by the officers involved in his death are inconsistent with how we train and are in conflict with the level of respect for human dignity expected of law enforcement professionals.

One cannot help but be moved by the disturbing video of the Minneapolis Police Officer kneeling on the neck of Mr. Floyd. However, it would be a disgrace to respond to this appalling incident with hatred and the destruction of our town. The safety of our community is our top priority, and acts of looting, destruction of property, assaults, or other violent crimes will not be tolerated.”