Tuolumne County Sheriff Welcomes Peaceful Protests, Not Looting or Vandalism

Sonora, CA…From the Tuolumne Sheriff’s Dept…”The Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Office has received numerous inquiries from concerned community members regarding a planned protest in Downtown Sonora. We are aware of the protest and are in close communication with the Sonora Police Department.

We respect everyone’s freedom to assemble peacefully to protest. Should you wish to participate in a protest in Tuolumne County, we will do all we can to ensure you have the ability to exercise your rights in a safe way. However, any criminal actions, including looting, vandalism, theft or violence will not be tolerated. The same right afforded to those who wish to assemble cannot infringe upon the rights of others.

We ask that anyone who becomes aware of any behavior that results in the damage or destruction of property alert authorities immediately.”