Stanislaus National Forest Revises Forest Order, Removes Some & Extends Other Seasonal High-Elevation Roads

Sonora, CA…The Stanislaus National Forest revised its seasonal high-elevation road closure order. The revision lists only five forest roads that remain closed through June 30, 2020 due to lingering snow. The previous order included sixteen high elevation roads. View a copy of Forest Order fseprd748219 and the accompanying map.

These five seasonal roads will be closed through June 30, 2020, or until forest personnel determine the roads are sufficiently clear of snow and downed trees to allow for safe travel and to protect resources and roads from damage:

Summit Ranger District

Forest Road No. 4Nl2 (Herring Creek Road, partial)

Forest Road No. 5N01 (Eagle Meadow Road, partial)

Forest Road No. 4N34 (Gooseberry Road)

Forest Road No. 4N47

Calaveras Ranger District

Forest Road No. 7Nl7

Many roads are now open for this first time this season. Visitors are asked to move cautiously through the Forest as conditions can change quickly. This may include trees or rocks falling into the road way. In addition, some roads have heavy traffic due to log trucks and other recreationists.

For up-to-date information on the Stanislaus National Forest, visit:

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