Jackson Resident is Fourteenth COVID-19 Case in Amador County

Amador County, CA – This evening, June 22, 2020, Amador County Public Health reported one additional case of COVID-19 in Amador County. The new case is an adult female in her 20s who is a resident of Jackson, with a travel history indicating exposure to the virus outside of the county. This new case is isolated and recovering at home.

Amador County Public Health staff is investigating the new case to determine any possible persons who may have been in close personal contact with the positive individual. Close contacts will be contacted, assessed, and monitored by the Public Health Department. Total positive COVID-19 cases in Amador to date = 14.

With businesses in the county opening and additional travel to/from areas with more COVID-19 activity, it is important that Amador community members and workers continue to take simple steps to reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses including COVID-19:  Stay home if you are sick.  Regularly clean high-touch surfaces. 

Limit the number of others you interact with outside your household.  When you go out, practice social distancing, wear a face covering, and wash your hands as soon as possible afterward.  Persons over age 65 and those with chronic health conditions that put them at higher risk for severe COVID-19 should continue to stay home as much as possible.
