Pelosi on Jobs Report..”Opening up Too Early, Does Not Reflect the Coronavirus Spiraling Out of Control”

Washington, D.C. – Speaker Nancy Pelosi issued this statement after the Department of Labor released its June jobs report: “The early June snapshot in the jobs report, when the economy was opening up too early, does not reflect the coronavirus spiraling out of control, forcing communities that had begun to reopen to close once again.

“Unemployment continues to be higher than any previous period since World War II. We have reached 15 straight weeks of more than 1 million Americans applying for unemployment insurance and tens of thousands of new coronavirus cases reported each day, as the critical lifelines that are helping to keep American families and communities above water expire. Economists, scientists and even the Chair of the Fed have indicated that if we don’t deliver the investments in The Heroes Act, we will end up in a worse place economically and health wise.

“While Senator McConnell calls for a pause, it is clear that the virus isn’t pausing, the rent isn’t pausing, hunger isn’t pausing and the bills aren’t pausing. The GOP Senate must take action and vote on the House-passed Heroes Act, to deliver the testing, tracing and treatment to crush the virus, relief for our state and local communities in crisis and money in the pockets of the American people. Time is of the essence, and President Trump and Republicans must come to the table to work with House Democrats to deliver the resources and support the American people desperately need.”