Toulumne County Public Health Department Reported 9 New Covid Cases

Sonora, CA…The Toulumne County Public Health Department reported 9 new cases in Tuolumne County yesterday, all of whom are isolating at home. One of the cases is a staff member associated with the Avalon Care Center cluster (total, 10). Additional test results from Avalon are still pending. 3 cases have been moved from isolation to recovered.

We also received notification of a positive case in a staff member at the Tuolumne County Jail. The Sheriff’s Department has issued a press release, which can be viewed HERE:…/TCSO-Jail-COVID-19-Pres…

Note: Updates will be provided Mon-Fri unless emergent events indicate the need to provide an update on the weekend
Tuolumne County Data (as of 7-2-20)*:
▪️Total Tested: 4461
▪️Total Negative: 4418
▪️Total Positive: 43
•In Isolation: 28 •Hospitalized: 2 •Recovered: 13 •Total Deaths: 0
•Total Known Non-Resident Positive Cases in Tuolumne County**: 3
*Tuolumne County testing numbers include data reported through the state infectious disease reporting system. All positive cases of Tuolumne County residents must be reported to Public Health.
**Non-County resident positive COVID-19 cases for which Tuolumne County Public Health has been notified. These cases will be investigated by a Contact Investigation Team. As these cases get assigned to the individual’s county of residence, they will no longer be reported here.

•The no-cost state testing site is open at the Calaveras County Fairgrounds Tuesday – Saturday 7am to 4pm. Appointments must be scheduled ahead of time at The testing site hours are expected to expand to Tues – Sat 7am to 7pm beginning July 7th.
It is important that people continue to follow prevention guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including:
▫️Practice physical distancing at all times. Keep 6 feet space between yourself and others who are not part of your household.
▫️Stay in your household bubble!
▫️Wear a face mask😷 in public.
▫️Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently.
▫️Stay home if you are sick🤒
▫️Avoid unnecessary travel, and limit your outings to essential tasks.
➡️Community Resources Portal:
➡️Tuolumne County Public Health Website:
➡️Public Health COVID-19 Call Center: (209) 533-7440
➡️California COVID-19 website:
➡️State Testing Site info and Appointments:
➡️Tuolumne County Business:
➡️CDC COVID-19 website:
Thank you all for your support and efforts to protect the safety and health of our community.