Tuolumne County Sheriff on Rise in COVID-19 Positive Tests at Jail Facility

Sonora, CA…We were advised of two additional positive COVID-19 test results at our jail facility. The two additional cases include (1) inmate and (1) staff member within the jail. The inmate and staff member were tested for COVID-19 during the third round of testing at our facility. The inmate remains in custody and has been for the past several months. The staff member is in self isolation and compliant with the heath officer’s track and trace protocols.

Inmates who have an elevated risk of exposure have been provided additional personal protective equipment (PPE) and are being housed separately, per the health officer’s quarantine procedures.

In addition to the precautionary measures being taken at our jail facility, our office has implemented added protections to ensure the safety of our staff and the public.

Additional measures include:
• Isolating all staff members to their respective divisions within our office.
• Cancelling or limiting non-essential functions and operations within the Sheriff’s Office.
• Weekly commercial grade sanitizing of all office workspaces.
• Weekly commercial grade sanitizing of interior and exterior of department vehicles.
• Continuous COVID-19 testing for exposed staff.
• New sanitation technology with the Surfacide UV disinfecting light system.

For more information on the Surfacide UV disinfecting light system please go to, https://www.surfacide.comi? vsrefdom=adwords Surfacide UV sanitation is state-of-the-art technology researched and purchased by the Sheriff’s Office. Surfacide UV technology was purchased with COVID-19 CARES Act funds awarded to Tuolumne County from the federal government.

The health and safety of our staff, inmates and the public is the Sheriff’s Office highest priority. We will continue to exhaust all resources to keep everyone safe. Additional updates will be posted when available.