The City Has Issued A Boil Water Notice For All Residents In The Area Of Fairview Drive, Fairview Place, Oak Place and Oak Court

Angels Camp, CA…August 10th, 2020 a water line break caused a disruption in water service for customers who live on Fairview Drive, Fairview Place, Oak Place and Oak Court. Public Works crews were able to isolate and repair the break. State regulations require that a boil water advisory remain in effect until two rounds of water quality testing is completed, this usually occurs within 2-3 days. The boil water advisory is in effect for all residents in the area of Fairview Drive, Fairview Place, Oak Place and Oak Court. City staff hand delivered boil water notices to each customer affected and they will be notified as soon as the boil water advisory can be lifted. For more information, please contact City Hall at or (209) 736-2181.

Please note: Discolored water is a common occurrence after pipeline work. Opening and closing valves to isolate the area of repair can cause the water flow in the pipes to speed up and slow down, which dislodges minerals from the inside walls of the pipe. These minerals can cause the water to become discolored.

If customers experience discolored water, they can open an outside faucet at the lowest point on their properties and run it until the water runs clear.

Boil Your Water Before Drinking or Food Preparation to Avoid Illness Due to the recent water line break, which occurred on 8-10-2020, the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water,the County Health Department and the City of Angels Water System are advising residents of Angels Camp to only use boiled tap water or bottled water for drinking and cooking purposes as a safety precaution to avoid stomach or intestinal illness.

The affected area includes: Fairview Drive, Fairview Place, Oak Court and Oak Place. We will inform you when tests show that water is safe to drink and you no longer need to boil your water. We anticipate resolving the problem within 2- 3 days.

If you have questions about other uses of tap water, such as bathing and dish washing, please call your water system or read this guidance: dwa-commtoolbox/before/tools/What-to-Do-During-a-Boil- Water-Advisory.docx

Do not drink the water without boiling it first
• Boil all water for one (1) minute
(rolling boil).
• Let water cool before drinking.
• Use boiled or bottled water for drinking,
brushing teeth, and food preparation
until further notice.
• Boiling water kills bacteria and other
organisms in the water.
If you are unable to boil your water:
Household unscented liquid bleach
• For clear water, use 8 drops (1/8 tspn.) of
bleach for 1 gallon of water. For cloudy water,
filter through a clean cloth and use 16 drops
(1/4 tspn.) of bleach for 1 gallon of water.
• Mix well. Allow to stand for 30 minutes
before using.
• Water may taste or smell like chlorine.
This means disinfection has occurred.
Water disinfection tablets
• Please follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

If you are concerned about your health or the health of a family member, contact your health care provider or Calaveras County Public Health at 209-754-6460. For more information, call: Water Utility contact: City Hall 209-736-2412
State Water Resources Control Board District Office: 209-948-7696
Local Environmental Health Jurisdiction: Calaveras County at 209-754-6399
Please share or post this information with others who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (for example, people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.