The Slink Fire Climbs to 18,665 Acres & 15% Containment

Bridgeport, CA…Temperatures are expected to be extremely hot and dry today with ridgetop winds out of the east through the morning and expecting the winds to shift in the later afternoon out of the west. The fire is located in extremely steep terrain which can cause the wind to flow in various directions and affect the fire behavior. Heenan Lake is closed to the public.

Yesterday, fire personnel experienced extreme fire behavior with crowning and spotting. The fire continued to spread to the north and west. Additional resources were deployed to these areas. Fire managers expect the fire to continue to make uphill runs in the Silver King Creek drainage. The west side of the fire burned past Mineral Mountain towards the south. The northwest side of the fire is approaching the east fork of the Caron River. Firefighters are working to improve lines in the southern part of the fire to minimize effects to the Marine Corps Training Center and the Incident Management Team is working closely with the Marine Corps on scouting the training grounds south of the fire for potential contingency lines.

A Closure Order has been put in place by the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest for the Slink Fire. The Order can be found by going to the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest Website at: We ask the public to please stay out of the area for their safety as well as the safety of the fire personnel.

Additionally, the Bureau of Land Management issued a Closure Order for the fire area, for information please go to:

The Marine Corps has provided a day sleeping area for some of the night shift fire crews. The Marine Corps has also provided a crash rescue vehicle to the fire as an asset. Their efforts are much appreciated.

A Smoke Outlook is now being reported daily. The report will be posted to for easy access. Please utilize this report, smoke can be hazardous for children and people with breathing difficulties.

In addition to the Slink Fire, multiple other fires in California have contributed to the dense smoke and poor air quality in the area. Visit view updated smoke impacts.

Fire Information:

· Inciweb:

· Facebook: @HumboldtToiyabeNF #SlinkFire

· Twitter: @HumboldtToiyabe #SlinkFire

· Fire Information Line: 775-430-5103