Fire Restrictions Extended for all of Stanislaus National Forest Through Sept. 30

Sonora, CA…Fire restrictions were extended by Regional Forester Randy Moore for all California national forests due to the extreme fire danger.  Fire restrictions remain in effect at all elevations on the Stanislaus National Forest, which prohibits using any ignition sources, including campfires, propane or gel-fuel stoves and smoking materials. The new regional order extending fire restriction will be posted on the forest’s web page when it is received.

“We understand visitors asking about using gas stoves, but overall fire conditions haven’t changed, and in fact, more weather is forecast that could result in extreme fire behavior over the next week for much of the state, including the Stanislaus,” Deputy Forest Supervisor Beth Martinez said. “In addition, with all the fires burning throughout the west, we know firefighting resources remain critically strained, so we appreciate everyone’s support in helping us protect the forest from new fire ignitions.”

On Sept. 14, Forest Supervisor Jason Kuiken signed Forest Order STF-16-2020-19, Temporary Camping, Occupancy and Use Restrictions, which prohibits dispersed camping in high and moderate fire hazard areas as well as recreational target shooting, but opens the forest for day use between sunrise and sunset, and authorizes some developed campgrounds.  Visitors are encouraged to check the forest web page at for information about fire restrictions and recreation activities that are allowed under the forest order.

Visitors considering using generators while camping are asked to abide by the following requirements:

  • Generators are allowed in open developed campgrounds, as long as campers follow posted quiet hours. A list of open campgrounds can be found on the web page.
  • All generators must be fitted with appropriate, functional spark arrestors
  • Generators are allowed in dispersed camping areas open under Forest Order STF-16-2020-19
  • Generators are NOT allowed in any wilderness area due to prohibition of motorized/mechanized items

In addition, hunters with valid California Fish & Wildlife permits and tags are authorized to hunt in permitted zones. Be aware that campfires and campstoves are not authorized anywhere on the forest. Know where your permitted zones are before you travel to the forest.

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