Calaveras County Grand Jury Report on Disaster Preparedness

San Andreas, CA…The 2019 – 2020 Calaveras County Grand Jury has just released a report entitled Disaster Preparedness – “What is Your Number?”. The Summary section of the report states why the grand jury undertook the investigation and notes the report’s most significant issues, findings, and recommendations, as follows: “Inspired by the 2018-2019 Marin County Grand Jury report, entitled “Wildfire Preparedness – A New Approach” and the fact that Calaveras County is within a high-risk, fire-prone region subject to Public Safety Power Shutoffs, the Calaveras County Grand Jury chose to review the current emergency preparedness plans and potential disaster readiness of lead agencies within the County.

While the Calaveras County Office of Emergency Services maintains a current Emergency Operations Plan and is generally well prepared to coordinate agency efforts to respond to an emergency, individual preparedness by members of the public is crucial to ensure the best outcome for all in the event of a disaster.”

The grand jury’s website, where the entire report can be viewed.

Larry Abernathy, Foreperson
Calaveras County Grand Jury