Calaveras County Office of Education Staff Donate Hats and Scarves to Honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month

San Andreas, CA…On Wednesday, November 4, 2020, Calaveras County Office of Education (CCOE) staff members donated 35 hats and 30 scarves to the Mark Twain Cancer Treatment and Cancer Care Center in San Andreas. Jamie Murphy, personnel assistant for CCOE, came up with the idea to hold a hat and scarf drive for local cancer patients. Murphy reached out to Mark Twain Cancer Treatment and Cancer Care Center to coordinate the donation details. The entire month of October, CCOE employees brought in hats and scarves to the donate. “I cannot express how happy I am to work with such amazing people,” Murphy said.

Smiles can be seen under the masks as staff members from both Mark Twain and CCOE commemorate the donation alongside Scott Nanik and Doug Archer.

The staff at Mark Twain Cancer Treatment Center were overwhelmed with gratitude for the donations. Lenora Casey, the nurse with whom Jamie Murphy coordinated the donation, said, “these hats and scarves will go to our cancer patients in the tri-county area. Such gestures of generosity remind us of the many reasons we love to live in Calaveras County.”

Mark Twain Medical Center President and CEO Doug Archer agreed with Casey. “Living in a small community is about people supporting each other, people helping people. This type of community collaboration is a testament to our ability to band together and help each other.”

Calaveras County Superintendent of Schools Scott Nanik approved the hat and scarf drive at CCOE. “I am very fortunate to have employees with such caring and giving spirits,” he said. “They value our community and demonstrate that every day. This is just one reason CCOE is a great place to work.”
