Calaveras County Moves Back a Tier as COVID-19 Cases Surge Across the State

San Andreas, CA…COVID-19 continues to pose a severe risk to communities and requires all people in Calaveras County and across the state to follow necessary precautions in light of this ongoing risk. On Monday, November 16, 2020, Calaveras County rolled back from yellow to orange, a more restrictive tier on the state’s 4-tier COVID-19 system. This means that some indoor operations will be allowed to be open with modifications. Calaveras Public Health urges caution and encourages people to take the necessary steps to prevent being exposed to the virus and help the county continue to lower its risk level. Visit Blueprint for a Safer Economy to find specific business information and the county’s latest status.

Everyone is at risk for COVID-19 and should take precautions to avoid getting exposed to the virus. Older adults and people with underlying medical conditions are at increased risk for severe illness and death from COVID-19. This means that they may be hospitalized, require a ventilator to help them breathe, or may even be fatal. COVID-19 can be very serious and Calaveras Public Health asks that you follow the safety guidelines.

With the holidays fast approaching, Calaveras Public Health urges the public to remain cautious. Public Health encourages those who would like to get tested for COVID-19 to please do so, especially:
 People who have symptoms of COVID-19
 People who have had close contact with someone that is confirmed to have COVID-19
 People who have been asked or referred to get tested by their healthcare provider

No-cost testing for COVID-19 is available at the OptumServe COVID-19 testing site in Sonora. The site is located at the Mother Lode Fairgrounds, Blake Elliot Building (Creekside), 220 Southgate Drive, Sonora, CA 95370. Days and hours of operation are Tuesday-Saturday from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. If you would like to be tested for COVID-19 please register at or call (888) 634-1123.

Calaveras Public Health urges people to take preventive actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The best ways to avoid exposure to COVID-19 are to:
 Stay home if you are sick
 Stay at least 6 feet away from people outside of your household
 Wash your hands often. Use soap and water for at least 20 seconds
 Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
 Wear a face covering over your nose and mouth when around others

Symptoms can appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. The symptoms of COVID-19 include:
 Fever or chills
 Cough
 Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
 Fatigue
 Muscle or body aches
 Headache
 New loss of taste or smell
 Sore throat
 Congestion or runny nose
 Nausea or vomiting
 Diarrhea

A person who has tested positive with COVID-19 may not have all or any of these symptoms. A person who has tested positive but does not have any symptoms is considered asymptomatic and can still pass on the virus to others while they are infectious.

Look for emergency warning signs for COVID-19. If someone is showing signs, seek emergency care immediately:
 Trouble breathing
 New confusion or weakness
 Bluish lips or face
 Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
 Inability to wake or stay awake

To receive information and resources related to COVID-19 visit the Calaveras County COVID-19 website.