A Birthday Trip to Monterey & Fish n Chips from Jenny’s Kitchen! ~ Jenny Baxter

Angels Camp, CA…And as we crested the top of the hill, there it was before me, the deep blue waters, its white caps kissing the shoreline as it rolled in and out, the broad-winged gulls diving into the shallow waves searching for a tasty morsel! My heart began too flutter as my soul sang out and filled me with joy. At last, I had arrived at my beloved, Monterey Bay!

My mind was flooded with previous memories from the time when I resided here years ago. Although many changes to the topography and neighboring townships had occurred, it still felt like home to me. There was nowhere else on earth that I wished to celebrate my birthday than the shores of Monterey.

The Sanctuary Beach Resort was my choice of lodging for the next three days. As we pulled onto the grounds, I knew I had no reason to leave the premises during my stay. Everything I could want or need was here; food, beverages, recreation, tranquility and views!  The comfortable elegance was so inviting. The reception area boasted a roaring fire, spacious sections to sit and converse, and the professional staff was friendly and welcoming.

Our luggage was loaded into a large golf cart and our driver, Devontea, drove us to our cottage. He pointed out areas of interest and gave us an oral schedule of events. Vehicles are not allowed by the housing I had chosen, which sat on the sand dunes with the ocean waters just steps away, hence the need for the golf cart. Our suite had a veranda with two weathered Adirondack chairs and a small table enclosed by thick wooden railings and the view of the sea was breath taking!

Our king size bed, draped in white fluffy bedding, was set before an attractive fireplace that separated this area from the grand bath complete with two pedestal sinks, a shower/tub and a powder room. It was all I could do to contain myself! My first glass of hardy red wine relaxed me as I sipped its contents feeling the salt air on my cheeks. There is nothing like the aroma of the sea to put one in a meditative state of mind.

Joaquin and I opted out of attending the wine and hors d’ouvres hour. Instead, we decided on an early diner delivered to our bungalow and the thought of dining fireside with the alluring sound of the ocean roar, put the icing on the cake! Is it any wonder that the fish was so fresh and succulent from the morning’s catch, I thought to myself as I took my first bite of fish and chips?

As the sun cast its’ good night shadows along the horizon of the sea, the resort lit the night’s bonfires as guests gathered to sip beverages of choice bundled in their sweaters and jackets, laughing, conversing and warming their limbs around the edge of the flames. The light of the moon fell across the blanket of water shining a pathway, it seemed, from my doorstep to its’ full round body. That incredible image will forever be engrained in my mind!

To be awaken by sounds of seabirds and the distant sound of the deep sea, invited me to feel the sand between my toes and the cool water wrap itself around my ankles, as out dog, Lola, and I left our footprints on the wet beach. The silt was void of shells, yet ample bunches of bulbous seaweed was extensive, as the tide withdrew itself farther and farther from the dunes.

Back on the portico, as I sat reading my novel, the warmth from the sun and the clean salt air delivered me to a much-needed restful sleep. Still a little groggy from my afternoon slumber, a game of bocce ball was just what I needed to wake me up. Joaquin lit the fireplace and found a movie, which we viewed on the big screen TV, while we ate our room service steak dinner, the perfect end to our perfect day!

Having to say good-bye was agony as we turned onto Reservation Drive in Marina. As I gazed in the rearview mirror, I watched the deep blue waters become smaller and smaller. I promised myself I would not wait until my next birthday to indulge in the treasurers of the depths of the briny marine.

Beer Batter
2 cups flour
½ teaspoon salt
12 oz. beer
3 egg whites beaten until soft peaks form
2 lbs. white fish cut into strips, like rock cod, washed and patted dry
Oil for deep frying heated in a pot
Extra flour for coating the fish

In a large bowl combine flour, salt and beer. Stir in the beaten egg whites beginning with a small amount and then once the mix is lightened add the remainder folding to combine. Dip the fish strips in the extra flour shaking off the excess and then dip it in the beer batter. Drop the pieces into the hot oil and cook until crisp and golden. Drain on paper towels. Serve with tarter sauce and lemon wedges.

Well, it’s thyme to go.
Jenny Baxter
Jenny’s Kitchen