Message from New Angels Camp Mayor Alvin Broglio

Angels Camp, CA…I am honored to be mayor of Angels Camp. Having grown up in this wonderful community I never would have thought I would be the mayor. I am excited to work with the newly appointed council members and to continue the great work of the past council.

The City has a lot of new projects going on right now and in the future. From city sidewalks, new housing developments, water and sewer upgrades. All of these projects will better our community but what I feel is needed right now, is for our entire community to work together to support our businesses and neighbors. To do this we all need to wear a mask, social distance, try and stay home a little more. Ideals like the Angels Camp Light Up the Night celebration was the exact way we can all celebrate this great community and keep each other safe!!!

I am looking forward to all the challenges this new year will bring.
