45 New Community Cases & Three Covid Deaths in Latest Tuolumne County Covid Update

Sonora, CA…Today’s report includes data from Saturday, January 9th to Monday, January 11th. During this time period, we received reports of 45 new community cases (17 Saturday, 14 Sunday, and 14 today). Eleven new SCC inmate cases were reported (4 Saturday, 3 Sunday, and 4 today). One of the new cases is hospitalized and the remainder appear to be isolating. Forty-five individuals have been released from isolation. Sadly, there are 3 additional deaths that occurred over this weekend of individuals who were hospitalized or in a local care facility. The individuals were all males, one in his 80s, one in his 70s, and one in his 60s. Our condolences to the friends and families of those who have passed. Today’s new case demographics: Under 20: Males- 7 Females- 7 20s: Males– 0 Females- 1 30s: Males– 1 Females- 2 40s: Males– 6 Females- 5 50s: Males– 1 Females- 5 60s: Males– 3 Females- 1 70s: Males– 0 Females- 4 80s: Males– 1 Females–0 90s: Males– 0 Females–1

Vaccine distribution continues according to Federal and State guidelines. We are currently vaccinating individuals in Phase 1A. A vaccine interest form has been posted to our website and we are asking only those who meet the criteria for Phase 1A to complete the form if they have not yet been in contact with Public Health to coordinate their vaccination. We would like to ask the public, rather than calling Public Health directly at this time, that if you fall into Phase 1B or later phases, to please continue following our website and local media for updates.

We currently do not have a registry for phases beyond 1A and we continue our planning as we await further guidance and delivery of vaccine. As we proceed through the phased distribution, we will update our website and inform the public of how, where, and when they can get expect to get vaccinated. Our vaccine information website with information on the phases and tiers can be found here: https://www.tuolumnecounty.ca.gov/1317/COVID-Vaccine Thank you all for your patience as we work with the state and our local partners to get vaccine received and distributed to our community as quickly and safely as possible.

The Mother Fairgrounds testing site is open 7 days a week with additional availability, and we are pleased that we have been approved for a traveling testing team. The traveling testing site will be open at the Groveland Community Hall on Mondays and Tuolumne Memorial Hall on Thursdays from 7 AM to 7 PM. The sites begin operations late next week with the first day in Tuolumne on January 14th. The first day of operations in Groveland will be Monday, January 18th. Please note that the Tuolumne site will NOT be open on Thursday, January 21st due to a scheduling conflict. Appointments are made available a week ahead of time and can be made at the same LHI website as the fairgrounds site, and individuals can select the site location when making their appointment. www.lhi.care/covidtesting or by calling 888-634-1123. Walk-ins will be available.

Tuolumne County and the rest of the San Joaquin Valley Region remain in the Stay at Home Order. The region reports 0% available ICU capacity and more of the regions are reporting at or near 0%. More information on the Regional Stay at Home Order can be found here: https://covid19.ca.gov/stay-home-except-for-essential-needs/#regional-stay-home-order Information on the Blueprint framework can be viewed here: https://covid19.ca.gov/safer-economy/#county-status