Jobless Claims Inch Up to 861,000 & Previous Week Revised up to 848,000

Washington, DC…In the week ending February 13, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 861,000, an increase of 13,000 from the previous week’s revised level. The previous week’s level was revised up by 55,000 from 793,000 to 848,000. The 4-week moving average was 833,250, a decrease of 3,500 from the previous week’s revised average. The previous week’s average was revised up by 13,750 from 823,000 to 836,750.

The advance seasonally adjusted insured unemployment rate was 3.2 percent for the week ending February 6, unchanged from the previous week’s unrevised rate. The advance number for seasonally adjusted insured unemployment during the week ending February 6 was 4,494,000, a decrease of 64,000 from the previous week’s revised level. The previous week’s level was revised up 13,000 from 4,545,000 to 4,558,000. The 4-week moving average was 4,632,000, a decrease of 120,250 from the previous week’s revised average. The previous week’s average was revised up by 3,500 from 4,748,750 to 4,752,250.

The advance number of actual initial claims under state programs, unadjusted, totaled 862,351 in the week ending February 13, a decrease of 5,702 (or -0.7 percent) from the previous week. The seasonal factors had expected a decrease of 18,432 (or -2.1 percent) from the previous week. There were 209,336 initial claims in the comparable week in 2020. In addition, for the week ending February 13, 50 states reported 516,299 initial claims for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance.

The advance unadjusted insured unemployment rate was 3.5 percent during the week ending February 6, unchanged from the prior week. The advance unadjusted level of insured unemployment in state programs totaled 4,945,014, a decrease of 93,576 (or -1.9 percent) from the preceding week. The seasonal factors had expected a decrease of 29,048 (or -0.6 percent) from the previous week. A year earlier the rate was 1.4 percent and the volume was 2,099,073.

The total number of continued weeks claimed for benefits in all programs for the week ending January 30 was 18,340,161, a decrease of 1,325,567 from the previous week. There were 2,118,115 weekly claims filed for benefits in all programs in the comparable week in 2020.

During the week ending January 30, Extended Benefits were available in the following 20 states: Alaska, California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Texas, the Virgin Islands, and Washington.
Initial claims for UI benefits filed by former Federal civilian employees totaled 1,660 in the week ending February 6, a decrease of 3,330 from the prior week. There were 934 initial claims filed by newly discharged veterans, a decrease of 122 from the preceding week.

There were 19,429 continued weeks claimed filed by former Federal civilian employees the week ending January 30, an increase of 258 from the previous week. Newly discharged veterans claiming benefits totaled 8,329, a decrease of 842 from the prior week.

During the week ending January 30, 51 states reported 7,685,389 continued weekly claims for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance benefits and 51 states reported 4,061,305 continued claims for Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation benefits.

The highest insured unemployment rates in the week ending January 30 were in the Virgin Islands (6.6), Alaska (6.4), Pennsylvania (6.4), Rhode Island (6.1), Nevada (6.0), Connecticut (5.3), Illinois (5.1), New York (5.1), New Mexico (5.0), and Massachusetts (4.9).

The largest increases in initial claims for the week ending February 6 were in Ohio (+92,667), California (+28,688), Georgia (+5,171), Mississippi (+3,796), and Colorado (+3,045), while the largest decreases were in Florida (-47,430), New York (-17,407), Maryland (-16,585), Kansas (-12,376), and Arizona (-7,478).

UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE DATA FOR REGULAR STATE PROGRAMS WEEK ENDING February 13 February 6 Change January 30 Prior Year1 Initial Claims (SA) 861,000 848,000 +13,000812,000 215,000 Initial Claims (NSA) 862,351 868,053 -5,702 849,650 209,336 4-Wk Moving Average (SA)833,250 836,750 -3,500 856,500 208,000 WEEK ENDING February 6 January 30 Change January 23 Prior Year1 Insured Unemployment (SA) 4,494,000 4,558,000 -64,000 4,691,000 1,729,000 Insured Unemployment (NSA) 4,945,014 5,038,590 -93,576 5,193,812 2,099,073 4-Wk Moving Average (SA)4,632,000 4,752,250 -120,250 4,906,500 1,716,000 Insured Unemployment Rate (SA)23.2% 3.2% 0.0 3.3% 1.2% Insured Unemployment Rate (NSA)23.5% 3.5% 0.0 3.7% 1.4% INITIAL CLAIMS FILED IN FEDERAL PROGRAMS (UNADJUSTED) WEEK ENDING February 13 February 6 Change January 30 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance 516,299 341,872 +174,427 368,972 WEEK ENDING February 6 January 30 Change Prior Year1 Federal Employees (UCFE) 1,660 4,990 -3,330 663 Newly Discharged Veterans (UCX) 934 1,056 -122 532 CONTINUED WEEKS CLAIMED FILED FOR UI BENEFITS IN ALL PROGRAMS (UNADJUSTED) WEEK ENDING January 30 January 23 Change Prior Year1 Regular State 5,003,107 5,156,985 -153,878 2,084,231 Federal Employees 19,429 19,171 +258 11,456 Newly Discharged Veterans 8,329 9,171 -842 5,493 Pandemic Unemployment Assistance3 7,685,389 7,943,448 -258,059 NA Pandemic Emergency UC4 4,061,305 4,779,341 -718,036 NA Extended Benefits5 1,456,461 1,653,350 -196,889 0 State Additional Benefits6 1,799 1,670 +129 5,606 STC / Workshare 7 104,342 102,592 +1,750 11,329 TOTAL8 18,340,161 19,665,728 -1,325,567 2,118,115
FOOTNOTES SA – Seasonally Adjusted Data, NSA – Not Seasonally Adjusted Data Continued weeks claimed represent all weeks of benefits claimed during the week being reported, and do not represent weeks claimed by unique individuals.
1.Prior year is comparable to most recent data.
2.Most recent week used covered employment of 142,133,208 as denominator.
3.Information on the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program can be found in UIPL 16-20: PUA Programinformation
4.Information on the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program can be found in UnemploymentInsurance Program Letter (UIPL) 17-20: PEUC Program information
5.Information on the EB program can be found here: EB Program information
6.Some states maintain additional benefit programs for those claimants who exhaust regular benefits, and when applicable,extended benefits. Information on states that participate, and the extent of benefits paid, can be found starting on page 4-4 ofthis link: Extensions and Special Programs PDF
7.Information on STC/Worksharing can be found starting on page 4-8 of the following link: Extensions and Special ProgramsPDF
8.Totals include PUA Unemployment for the appropriate corresponding week.

Advance State Claims – Not Seasonally Adjusted Initial Claims Filed During Week Ended February 13 Insured Unemployment For Week Ended February 6 Advance Prior Wk Change Advance Prior Wk Change 11,542 13,464 -1,922 14,253 17,537 -3,2843,697 3,997 -300 17,402 19,042 -1,640 3,507 7,670 -4,163 98,967 69,884 29,0832,694 4,331 -1,637 20,147 24,244 -4,097158,596 137,939 20,657 702,798 771,537 -68,73912,974 14,091 -1,117 71,287 72,839 -1,5526,150 7,243 -1,093 82,050 84,529 -2,4791,934 2,342 -408 14,586 13,786 800 1,168 1,480 -312 21,658 22,777 -1,119 18,982 21,710 -2,728 204,030 187,474 16,55626,504 32,386 -5,882 141,436 157,518 -16,0823,894 3,624 270 22,524 23,741 -1,21710,924 6,457 4,467 14,275 14,846 -571 67,750 34,259 33,491 279,648 292,788 -13,14012,970 13,508 -538 76,455 79,295 -2,8406,320 6,120 200 47,614 48,028 -414 6,685 5,591 1,094 14,911 23,841 -8,93011,844 10,712 1,132 46,006 40,867 5,139 6,246 9,010 -2,764 53,055 60,711 -7,6561,955 2,172 -217 16,705 18,206 -1,50118,146 19,770 -1,624 61,000 74,667 -13,66717,153 20,500 -3,347 155,074 167,637 -12,56315,507 19,881 -4,374 186,485 186,687 -202 11,697 12,247 -550 121,375 121,069 306 6,001 7,538 -1,537 26,505 28,809 -2,30412,825 12,213 612 53,430 57,592 -4,1621,961 2,158 -197 17,247 17,525 -278 2,281 2,473 -192 15,453 16,654 -1,2018,257 9,953 -1,696 73,861 79,798 -5,9373,777 3,594 183 26,374 27,182 -808 10,962 16,205 -5,243 140,945 137,483 3,462 4,153 3,709 444 37,317 39,129 -1,81257,547 59,983 -2,436 458,060 462,385 -4,3258,642 12,694 -4,052 65,775 71,727 -5,9521,061 1,154 -93 10,621 9,690 931 146,426 140,488 5,938 172,258 164,536 7,722 4,859 7,201 -2,342 28,178 37,651 -9,4737,527 8,847 -1,320 82,027 81,207 820 28,121 31,730 -3,609 326,512 318,600 7,912 1,304 1,409 -105 40,353 32,944 7,409 11,455 17,724 -6,269 28,232 27,681 551 4,475 6,339 -1,864 43,982 47,634 -3,652542 646 -104 5,640 5,579 61 8,116 10,761 -2,645 51,070 55,379 -4,309 34,594 47,022 -12,428 355,321 337,647 17,6742,799 3,268 -469 16,443 16,855 -412 941 1,156 -215 13,096 13,150 -54 111 168 -57 2,362 2,438 -76 21,267 14,203 7,064 67,332 65,091 2,241 14,080 16,254 -2,174 165,341 158,407 6,934 2,296 2,722 -426 24,643 21,907 2,736 16,217 15,040 1,177 106,815 104,706 2,109 915 897 18 6,080 5,654 426 STATE Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California* Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico * Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgin Islands Virginia * Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming US Total 862,351 868,053 -5,702 4,945,014 5,038,590 -93,576

Note: Advance claims are not directly comparable to claims reported in prior weeks. Advance claims are reported by the state liable for paying the unemployment compensation, whereas previous weeks reported claims reflect claimants by state of residence. In addition, claims reported as “workshare equivalent” in the previous week are added to the advance claims as a proxy for the current week’s “workshare equivalent” activity. *Denotes state estimate.
Seasonally Adjusted US Weekly UI Claims (in thousands) Week Ending Initial Claims Change from Prior Week 4-WeekAverageInsured Unemployment Change from Prior Week 4-WeekAverageIUR February 8, 2020 204 3 209.251,729 51 1,716.001.2 February 15, 2020 215 11 208.001,693 -361,713.251.2 February 22, 2020 220 5 210.001,720 271,705.001.2 February 29, 2020 217 -3214.001,699 -211,710.251.2 March 7, 2020 211 -6215.751,702 31,703.501.2 March 14, 2020 282 71232.501,784 821,726.251.2 March 21, 2020 3,307 3,025 1,004.253,059 1,275 2,061.002.1 March 28, 2020 6,867 3,560 2,666.757,446 4,387 3,497.755.1 April 4, 2020 6,615 -2524,267.7511,914 4,468 6,050.758.2 April 11, 2020 5,237 -1,3785,506.5015,819 3,905 9,559.5010.9 April 18, 2020 4,442 -7955,790.2518,011 2,192 13,297.5012.4 April 25, 2020 3,867 -5755,040.2522,377 4,366 17,030.2515.4 May 2, 2020 3,176 -6914,180.5022,548 171 19,688.7515.5 May 9, 2020 2,687 -4893,543.0024,912 2,364 21,962.0017.1 May 16, 2020 2,446 -2413,044.0020,841 -4,07122,669.5014.3 May 23, 2020 2,123 -3232,608.0021,268 42722,392.2514.6 May 30, 2020 1,897 -2262,288.2520,606 -66221,906.7514.1 June 6, 2020 1,566 -3312,008.0020,289 -31720,751.0013.9 June 13, 2020 1,540 -261,781.5019,231 -1,05820,348.5013.2 June 20, 2020 1,482 -581,621.2518,760 -47119,721.5012.9 June 27, 2020 1,408 -741,499.0017,760 -1,00019,010.0012.2 July 4, 2020 1,310 -981,435.0017,304 -45618,263.7511.8 July 11, 2020 1,308 -21,377.0016,151 -1,15317,493.7511.1 July 18, 2020 1,422 1141,362.0016,951 80017,041.5011.6 July 25, 2020 1,435 131,368.7516,090 -86116,624.0011.0 August 1, 2020 1,191 -2441,339.0015,480 -61016,168.0010.6 August 8, 2020 971 -2201,254.7514,759 -72115,820.0010.1 August 15, 2020 1,104 1331,175.2514,492 -26715,205.259.9 August 22, 2020 1,011 -931,069.2513,292 -1,20014,505.759.1 August 29, 2020 884 -127992.5013,544 25214,021.759.3 September 5, 2020 893 9973.0012,747 -79713,518.758.7 September 12, 2020 866 -27913.5012,747 013,082.508.7 September 19, 2020 873 7879.0011,979 -76812,754.258.2 September 26, 2020 849 -24870.2510,594 -1,38512,016.757.2 October 3, 2020 767 -82838.759,398 -1,19611,179.506.4 October 10, 2020 842 75832.758,472 -92610,110.755.8 October 17, 2020 797 -45813.757,823 -6499,071.755.3 October 24, 2020 758 -39791.007,222 -6018,228.754.9 October 31, 2020 757 -1788.506,798 -4247,578.754.6 November 7, 2020 711 -46755.756,370 -4287,053.254.3 November 14, 2020 748 37743.506,089 -2816,619.754.2 November 21, 2020 787 39750.755,527 -5626,196.003.8 November 28, 2020 716 -71740.505,781 2545,941.753.9 December 5, 2020 862 146778.255,507 -2745,726.003.8 December 12, 2020 892 30814.255,322 -1855,534.253.6 December 19, 2020 806 -86819.005,198 -1245,452.003.5 December 26, 2020 782 -24835.505,072 -1265,274.753.5 January 2, 2021 784 2816.005,175 1035,191.753.6 January 9, 2021 927 143824.754,975 -2005,105.003.5 January 16, 2021 875 -52842.004,785 -1905,001.753.4 January 23, 2021 812 -63849.504,691 -944,906.503.3 January 30, 2021 812 0856.504,558 -1334,752.253.2 February 6, 2021 848 36836.754,494 -644,632.003.2 February 13, 2021 861 13833.25

Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Claims – Not Seasonally Adjusted PUA Initial Claims Filed During Week Ended February 13 PUA Continued Claims For Week Ended Jan 30 STATE Advance Prior Wk Change Jan 30 Jan 23 Change Alabama 2,241 2,032 209 29,558 28,991 567 Alaska 524 488 36 12,532 14,957 -2,425 Arizona 1,949 2,492 -543 83,679 82,784 895 Arkansas 1,135 1,708 -573 77,294 20,731 56,563 California 38,052 35,956 2,096 988,681 1,884,207 -895,526Colorado 0 30,659 -30,659 35,758 0 35,758 Connecticut 525 544 -19 36,932 36,532 400 Delaware 76 97 -21 5,579 5,292 287 District of Columbia 163 175 -12 15,755 15,281 474 Florida 3,705 6,982 -3,277 0 0 0 Georgia 2,522 2,583 -61 416,070 95,158 320,912 Hawaii 653 807 -154 45,845 50,408 -4,563 Idaho 72 94 -22 9,592 11,326 -1,734 Illinois 14,822 6,038 8,784 197,770 154,043 43,727Indiana 9,123 7,492 1,631 258,801 240,697 18,104Iowa 782 938 -156 14,534 14,435 99 Kansas 2,411 3,573 -1,162 40,546 30,057 10,489 Kentucky 71,529 63,999 7,530 18,217 16,298 1,919 Louisiana 2,416 2,979 -563 115,315 117,825 -2,510 Maine 454 265 189 13,094 13,138 -44 Maryland 8,876 5,130 3,746 258,122 224,274 33,848 Massachusetts 3,358 4,257 -899 305,230 314,419 -9,189 Michigan 6,151 8,397 -2,246 558,646 157,710 400,936 Minnesota 0 4 -4 46,612 43,246 3,366 Mississippi 1,217 885 332 31,994 32,137 -143 Missouri 1,296 1,339 -43 42,524 44,419 -1,895 Montana 531 1,667 -1,136 17,944 18,513 -569 Nebraska 140 147 -7 3,360 3,005 355 Nevada 12,432 35,460 -23,028 118,806 118,708 98 New Hampshire 283 289 -6 12,891 13,076 -185 New Jersey 5,534 5,046 488 374,632 357,517 17,115New Mexico 1,231 1,282 -51 25,528 24,527 1,001 New York 36,713 41,926 -5,213 1,280,228 1,390,139 -109,911North Carolina 4,670 5,807 -1,137 100,128 98,490 1,638 North Dakota 709 15 694 5,996 2,809 3,187 Ohio 232,016 10,156 221,860 481,052 497,905 -16,853 Oklahoma 527 536 -9 17,231 17,761 -530 Oregon 1,535 403 1,132 88,165 101,711 -13,546 Pennsylvania 17,612 18,629 -1,017 410,529 454,905 -44,376 Puerto Rico 4,276 3,883 393 267,257 241,314 25,943 Rhode Island 4,817 5,953 -1,136 41,633 41,604 29 South Carolina 2,573 3,041 -468 51,723 60,203 -8,480 South Dakota 6 6 0 503 197 306 Tennessee 2,494 3,103 -609 73,201 73,084 117 Texas 4,669 4,961 -292 345,008 450,868 -105,860Utah 565 773 -208 3,199 3,563 -364 Vermont 57 59 -2 8,739 8,713 26 Virgin Islands 27 32 -5 0 0 0 Virginia 3,553 2,779 774 166,840 175,511 -8,671 Washington 2,642 3,156 -514 106,609 112,692 -6,083 West Virginia 1,295 1,360 -65 10,844 11,764 -920 Wisconsin 1,340 1,490 -150 14,649 16,489 -1,840 Wyoming 0 0 0 14 15 -1 US Total 516,299 341,872 174,427 7,685,389 7,943,448 -258,059
Note: Information on the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program can be found in UIPL 16-20: PUA Program information. Backdated claims may be included in these figures.

Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation Continued Claims – Not Seasonally Adjusted PEUC Claims Filed During Weeks Ended: STATE January 30 January 23 Change January 16 January 9 Alabama 59,958 58,687 1,271 57,017 56,610 Alaska 6,515 6,218 297 6,151 6,460 Arizona 69,093 68,070 1,023 69,834 68,262 Arkansas 26,860 27,610 -750 18,710 2,820 California 648,806 1,598,317 -949,511 518,616 1,082,797 Colorado 39,657 0 39,657 0 0 Connecticut 74,061 71,434 2,627 68,073 61,863 Delaware 12,452 12,102 350 10,771 10,208 District of Columbia 13,730 14,556 -826 17,427 17,670 Florida 0 0 0 0 0 Georgia 0 0 0 0 0 Hawaii 27,708 32,758 -5,050 28,412 38,908 Idaho 5,720 4,446 1,274 3,884 3,685 Illinois 246,696 158,051 88,645 168,674 192,069 Indiana 86,086 121,526 -35,440 159,518 13,950 Iowa 9,750 11,713 -1,963 13,200 14,751 Kansas 326 480 -154 411 953 Kentucky 38,284 35,635 2,649 34,089 31,635 Louisiana 74,267 69,954 4,313 61,499 55,020 Maine 18,810 18,572 238 18,144 17,850 Maryland 79,507 78,644 863 77,309 74,356 Massachusetts 97,474 103,695 -6,221 110,905 120,621 Michigan 138,935 106,443 32,492 238,351 95,654 Minnesota 133,717 134,915 -1,198 136,100 127,336 Mississippi 28,712 29,026 -314 27,513 33,124 Missouri 25,007 24,507 500 22,699 25,372 Montana 8,991 8,897 94 8,127 7,644 Nebraska 3,523 2,626 897 2,118 1,635 Nevada 62,347 65,308 -2,961 69,128 74,167 New Hampshire 10,593 10,009 584 9,595 9,089 New Jersey 99,708 108,941 -9,233 114,746 127,219 New Mexico 15,399 15,368 31 13,462 15,307 New York 757,368 717,842 39,526 685,738 668,401 North Carolina 189,576 183,121 6,455 118,591 106,703 North Dakota 9,445 12,785 -3,340 6,413 3,925 Ohio 136,890 117,154 19,736 55,460 58,645 Oklahoma 47,018 47,613 -595 47,218 45,747 Oregon 73,647 68,809 4,838 61,431 42,435 Pennsylvania 240,354 245,231 -4,877 170,998 179,183 Puerto Rico 93,376 39,874 53,502 42,321 51,577 Rhode Island 16,639 16,483 156 15,705 15,712 South Carolina 90,528 95,596 -5,068 79,183 72,522 South Dakota 1,136 1,115 21 982 702 Tennessee 57,795 53,415 4,380 49,571 63,520 Texas 14,133 15,879 -1,746 26,226 17,256 Utah 12,290 11,938 352 10,694 9,383 Vermont 13,249 12,721 528 12,428 12,761 Virgin Islands 42 36 6 49 35 Virginia 89,523 87,459 2,064 87,600 105,850 Washington 3,991 4,245 -254 4,159 4,735 West Virginia 22,033 21,647 386 20,506 19,632 Wisconsin 25,623 24,150 1,473 25,122 27,183 Wyoming 3,957 3,720 237 16 66 US Total 4,061,305 4,779,341 -718,036 3,604,894 3,893,008
Note: Information on the Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) program can be found in Unemployment Insurance Program Letter (UIPL) 17-20: PEUC Program information