Travel and Expenses for Medical Care for Caity

Arnold, CA…My name is Caity Johnson and I have been sick for well over a year now and I’m on medical leave from my job. I get disability but it’s only $100 every 2 weeks. I’m blessed to live with my family but we are struggling and my car payment every month is $320 and I’m driving back and forth to UC Davis every other week. On top of that I have a weekly therapy appointment 30 minutes away. I have Bipolar Disorder type 1 and generalized anxiety Disorder that is barely managed.

What I’m asking for help is car payment, gas money, oil change, and help with a few other expenses. I’m blessed to be covered by Medi-Cal so my medical bills are covered but getting to and from places is a little hard on $200 a month.

Thank you for reading and even considering to donate please share with as many people as you can, thank you again.