A July 10th Trip Over Ebbetts Pass on the Ebbetts Pass National Scenic Byway

Bear Valley, CA…It was a great day to video our trip on the Ebbetts Pass Scenic Byway from Bear Valley to Markleeville. About this time of the year especially in a drought year there are lots of questions there are lots of questions to be answered. How are the water levels in the Carson River? How is Lake Alpine? How are the cabins at Mosquito Lake? How crowded is the high country?  The Answers: Still Running, Low but still a great destination, as picturesque as always & crowded but not especially so.

In these videos we hold the camera on a monopod manually and rotate the camera to see things like you would if you were along for the ride with us.   At times is makes the video a bit less smooth but it allows you to see what is along the roadway and not just the roadway.

This was an interesting bit of footage to get in the can.  The battery on our old GoPro failed mid recording session so we had to find the usb charging cable, fire up the inverter and finish this one with an extension cable hanging over the rear view mirror.

We also stopped by the Markleeville General Store to see how they fared during the earthquake.  The owner said a few things were knocked off shelves but no damage.

Music Source = Mr. Smith Creative Common License