Tamarack Fire Monday AM Update, 23,078 Acres, 796 Fire Personnel, 0% Containment

Markleeville, CA…Current Activity: The fire is estimated at 23,078 acres with no containment reported. An infrared flight scheduled to fly the fire overnight was canceled due to smoke and weather conditions. Differences in reported acreage are due to estimates by crews on the ground. As soon as conditions allow, a mapping flight will be conducted to provide more accurate information about the size and location of the fire.

Firefighters plan to continue point protection efforts around structures in all areas currently being impacted by fire. Crews will continue securing established line around Markleeville by mopping up hot spots. Last night, a firing operation was completed along a containment line established from Highway 89 to Diamond Valley Road. Crews will continue to improve and mop up this line today. Firefighters are working to limit fire spread north towards Highway 88 and Carson Canyon. Today, as resources become available, they will begin line construction at Highway 89 moving to the southwest.

A damage assessment team has been ordered and will begin working in the fire area to determine exactly how many structures have been destroyed or damaged.

Evacuations: Markleeville, Grover Hot Springs and campground area, Shay Creek, Marklee Village, Alpine Village, Woodfords, East Fork Resort and the community of Hung A Lel Ti are under evacuation.

Closures: Highway 89 is closed at the intersection of Highway 4 and 89. Highway 4 is open west of the Highway 89 and Highway 4 junction. Please slow down and drive with caution in the area as fire crews continue to work. Refer to https://roads.dot.ca.gov/ for closure specifics.
The Pacific Crest Trail is closed between Carson Pass (Highway 88) and Ebbetts Pass (Highway 4).

Weather and Smoke: There is a 60 percent chance of wetting rain today, with a possibility of flooding in drainages and debris flows on steep terrain in the fire area. Even if the area receives rain, the fire could remain active. Carson Valley and surrounding areas could be impacted by smoke and ash fall. Individuals with compromised respiratory systems are encouraged to limit outdoor exposure, if possible.

Fire Information:
• Inciweb: https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/7674/
• Facebook: @HumboldtToiyabeNF #TamarackFire
• Twitter: @HumboldtToiyabe #TamarackFire
• Fire Information Number: 775-446-5438

Incident Management Team: Rocky Mountain Team 1 (IC-Dallas), a Type 1 organization, has been ordered for the Tamarack Fire due to the increasing complexity of the incident. Team 1 will be in-briefed today and will assume command of the fire from Great Basin Team 3 (IC-Bollier) on Tuesday.

Carson Ranger District (Monday, July 19, 2021 at 8 a.m.)

• Acres: 23,078

• Location: Markleeville, California

• Start Date: July 4, 2021

• Cause: Lightning

• Containment: 0%

• Personnel: 796

Source = USFS