Death Toll Rises To 130 In Paris Terror Attacks. State Of Emergency Declared In France!

Paris, FR…The death toll so far has risen to an estimated 130 including a large number killed in the theatre that was attacked. A total of 6 separate attacks including suicide bombers who blew themselves up near a soccer stadium. President delivered a brief statement earlier which is below. Below President Obama’s video statement is the translated State Of Emergency declaration in France….

The Council of Ministers, convened by the President of the Republic, met November 14 to 00h. On the report of the Prime Minister, the Minister of Interior and Minister of Justice, Minister of Justice, a decree declaring a state of emergency was adopted. It takes effect immediately throughout the metropolitan territory and Corsica. It allows to forbid the movement of people and to establish zones of protection and security.

A second decree was also adopted to implement enhanced measures in all towns of the Ile-de-France. These provisions allow the arrest of any person whose activity is dangerous, the temporary closure of theaters and meeting rooms, the surrender of weapons and the ability to carry out administrative searches.

Furthermore, the President of the Republic decided the immediate restoration of border controls. The customs services are also mobilized for this purpose.

Schools, colleges and schools and universities will be closed this Saturday in Ile-de-France and school trips canceled.

Hospitals were mobilized. White plan was triggered.

The cell help victims of Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Justice and Health, in collaboration with the Prefecture of Police, was activated.

A defense council was convened on Saturday at 9am. Already additional 1500 soldiers were mobilized.

The President of the Republic will remain in Paris and will not participate in G20. It will be represented by Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development and the Minister of Finance and Public Accounts.