Burglary Cases Spike In The “Bird” Streets Area Of Twain Harte

Sonora, CA…Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Office has had an increase in property crime reports. Within the last 60 days, there have been 86 reported burglary cases investigated by the TCSO. During the same time period last year there were 48 reported burglary cases investigated. One of the trends discovered by the TCSO Patrol Division is that the majority of the reported Twain Harte cases have come from the “Bird” streets area of Twain Harte along Middle Camp Rd. Several homes have been vandalized along with various items taken.


Some helpful deterrents that can help keep your home safe include installing alarms systems and having animals such as dogs that can alert you and others to abnormal activity. Keeping brush and bushes away from your windows and doors and having well lighted areas around your home will improve visibility. In the event that your home is burglarized, it is beneficial to have a comprehensive home inventory list including serial numbers of valuable items. These serial numbers can be given to Law Enforcement which can then be uploaded into the Automated Property System. This will assist in returning found stolen property to their rightful owners.

With help from watchful citizens we can bring the community together with Law Enforcement to achieve the common goal of preventing crime. While it is one of the most prevalent crimes facing law enforcement today, it is at the same time the one crime that can be effectively resisted by each citizen taking positive action at home. Be alert and know your neighbors. When reporting suspicious persons or vehicles, please provide TCSO Dispatchers with the best description you can and a direction of travel. Reporting can be called in to 533-5815.