Calaveras County Republican Central Committee Creates Calaveras Redistricting Map

Altaville, CA…The CCRCC Redistricting Map has been created for balance and parity among Supervisor Districts. This challenge map more clearly defines Supervisor Districts by geography and meets all state and county redistricting protocol. This proposed redistricting map balances the Supervisor District populations within .5%. Although this R-Map has been produced by CCRCC it has NO political-leaning, it simply best represents Calaveras with conforming and balanced Supervisor Districts.

CCRCC balances the Supervisor Districts populations within 25 residents. No other R-Map presented to date is even close to the County target of 9,061 residents per Supervisor District.

D1 = 9,061
D2 = 9,065
D3 = 9,076
D4 = 9,051
D5 = 9,053

Go to Calaveras County Redistricting Maps and find our latest R-Map labeled Public Draft 1A

Respectfully submitted by
Ed Langan