The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors are Back in Action Today!

San Andreas, CA…The Calaveras County Board of Supervisors are Back in Action Today! Covid, Cannabis & More on the agenda today. The full agenda is below…

Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
12/14/2021 8:00 AM
Board of Supervisors Chambers

891 Mountain Ranch Road   San Andreas, CA 95249

 Agenda  Agenda Packet
Live (Windows Media) Video
Call to Order
Roll Call
Closed Session Agenda
1. Pursuant to Govt. Code § 54956.9(d)(1), conference with legal counsel re: existing litigation: County of Calaveras, et al. v. AmerisourceBergen Drug Corporation, et al., 1:17-MD-2804.
Pledge of Allegiance
Staff Announcements
This is a time for County staff to provide updates of upcoming County events that may be of interest to the public.
Public Health Update
2. Receive an update presentation from staff on COVID-19 (novel coronavirus).
document Informational Item Printout
Recognition and Acknowledgments
3. Adopt a Proclamation honoring and recognizing Chuck and Donna Hillis for their 14 years of dedicated service to the residents of Calaveras County as members of the Calaveras County Sheriff’s Search and Rescue Team.
document Proclamation Printout
a. Hillis Proclamation 2021
General Public Comment – 30 Minutes
Consent Agenda
4. Adopt a resolution finding that the COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency continues to present imminent risks to the health or safety of attendees without a teleconference participation option.
document Resolution Printout
5. Adopt an ordinance repealing Ordinance 2993 establishing the 2010 supervisorial district boundaries, and authorize summary publication.
document Ordinance Printout
a. Cnty Legal – Summary Pub – Redistricting-VSN
b. County of Calaveras_PN_Dec.9
c. Ordinance 2993
6. Approve a resolution amending the device administrative fee collected on behalf of the State as set forth in and required by Title 4, Section 4075 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR).
document Resolution Printout
a. DMS Device Admin Fee TEXT FINAL CLEAN
b. Calaveras County Devices State Admin Fee Overview
7. Authorize the Board Chair to execute the funding agreement associated with the First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement with the University of California Cooperative Extension approved on September 2, 2021, in the amount of $151,597 for UCCE programs and services on the Government Center campus for a period of July 1, 2021 through July 1, 2022.
document Agreement Printout
a. Funding agreement CALAVERAS Co 2021-2022
b. UCCE Interlocal Agreement-Original-7.2011
c. UCCE 1st Amendment InterlocalAgreement-Signed
8. 1) Authorize the Board Chair to sign Amendment 01 to the Agreement with SRI International for the provision of training and consultation in the amount of $160,000 over the period of January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, and; 2) authorize the Director of Health and Human Services Agency or designee to execute any further amendments provided they do not change the total value of the original agreement.
document Agreement Printout
a. SRI International Agmt Exp. 6.30.22 Fully Executed
b. SRI International Amendment 01 Agmt Exp. 6.30.22
9. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the application for and acceptance of the Calaveras County Allocation Award – Round 2 under the Housing Navigators Program resulting in revenue of $8,650 to be expended by June 30, 2024.
a. RD 2 Housing Navigators Program (HNP) Allocation Acceptance Form
10. 1. Authorize the Director of Health and Human Services to sign an Agreement with Public Health Institute for the provision of the WeVax Program resulting in revenue of $350,000 for the period of July 1, 2021 through February 28, 2022; and 2. Authorize the Director of Health and Human Services to sign any subsequent amendments, so long as the value of the Agreement does not change and they are routed through counsel.
document Agreement Printout
a. AR03912_County of Calaveras_SubClearedAsToForm_NT_9.14.21_Rev.11.8.21
11. Authorize the Board Chair to sign the Lease Agreement between Cardoza Enterprises and the County for the Calaveras County Library – Copperopolis Branch for 3505 Spangler Lane, Suite 106 Lake Tulloch Plaza, Copperopolis California 95228 for the period of December 14, 2021 – June 30, 2025 in an amount not to exceed sixty-five thousand dollars. ($65,000.00).
document Agreement Printout
a. Copper Lease (2)
12. Find the project categorically exempt from CEQA; adopt a resolution opting to affirm for Calaveras County a rural exemption from the requirements of mandatory organics collection services established in the California Code of Regulations by Senate Bill 1383.
document Resolution Printout
13. Approve FY 2021-22 Community Corrections Partnership (CCP) Implementation Plan.
document Action Item Printout
a. 2122 CCP Plan Final
14. Approve and authorize the Board Chair to execute the Fifth Amendment to the California Forensic Medical Group, Inc. Agreement for regular inmate medical services in the detention facility, extending the term to June 30, 2023 and increasing the not to exceed annual Flat Rate amount of the Agreement from $745,947.24 to $751,467.24, a net increase of $5,520.00.
document Action Item Printout
a. Partially_Signed_CFMG_PSA_0380-15-01-A5.11.26.2021
b. 0380-15-01-00 Fully Executed Original CFMG Agreement
c. 0380-15-01-A1 Fully Executed First Amendment to CFMG Agreement
d. 0380-15-01-A2 Fully Executed Second Amendment to CFMG Agreement
e. 0380-15-01-A3 Fully Executed Third Amendment to CFMG’s Contract
f. 0380-15-01-A4 Fully Executed 4th Amendment to Agreement with CFMG
15. Authorize the Board Chair to execute an Agreement with Fisk Demolition for abatement services in an amount not to exceed $225,000, effective upon execution through June 30th, 2024.
document Agreement Printout
a. Superseded Fisk Demo 2021 Contract
b. Fisk 2021-2024 Agreement
c. Fisk Certificate of Insurance
16. Make public benefit finding and approve Community Organizations (10100140) allocations in the total amount of nineteen thousand dollars ($19,000.00).
document Action Item Printout
Regular Agenda
17. Receive a Presentation by NEO Connect regarding the Central Sierra Broadband Roadmap Project.
document Informational Item Printout
a. Calaveras Broadband Update
18. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the application for and acceptance of the Calaveras County Allocation Award resulting in revenue of $539,081 for years 2019/20 and 2020/21, with anticipated additional revenue in the amount of $699,784 for years 2021/22, 2022/23, and 2023/24 to be expended by June 30, 2024; and designate the County Administrative Officer, or his or her designee, as the Authorized Representative for execution of related documents.
document Resolution Printout
a. plha-final-guidelines-11-19
b. 302(c)(4) plan 12.2.21
c. Formula allocation 12.2.2021
19. Adopt a Resolution approving modifications to the Calaveras County Public Safety Employees Association (CCPSEA) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the term of December 18, 2021 to September 30, 2026.
document Resolution Printout
a. CCPSEA MOU 2021-26 Draft
20. Adopt a Resolution Requesting State Cannabis Cultivation Tax Reform.
document Resolution Printout
21. Introduce and Waive Full Reading of an Uncodified Ordinance Reducing the Gross Receipts Tax Rate for Cannabis Activities Specified in Section 3.56.050(C)(2) on a Temporary Basis as Authorized by Section 3.56.070; Authorize Summary Publication. Requires Affirmative 4/5 Vote.
document Action Item Printout
a. Proposed Ordinance
22. Adopt the 2022 Board of Supervisors meeting calendar.
document Action Item Printout
a. 2022 BOS Meeting Dates-Corrected
23. Adopt a Resolution authorizing a loan not to exceed $6,500,000 from the Road Impact Mitigation (RIM) Fee Special Revenue Fund to various disaster recovery funds for cash flow purposes pending reimbursement.
document Resolution Printout
24. Receive an update regarding American Rescue Plan Act Funding.
document Informational Item Printout
25. Receive an update on Strategic Planning from Municipal Resources Group.
document Action Item Printout
Supervisor Announcements
In compliance with Govt. Code § 53232.3(d), Board members shall provide brief reports on any meetings attended at the expense of the local agency, and may make other announcements or report out.