Avery Middle School’s Beautiful New Ed Martin, All Weather Track & Field

Avery, CA….Avery Middle School now has a beautiful $1.6 million all weather track & field. It will benefit not only the Avery students but also the entire community for the expected lifespan of the next 20 years. It is stunning and would look at home at a high school or even community college.


Late Thursday afternoon it was dedicated to long serving, recently retired Avery Middle School teacher, coach, mentor of students and other teachers, Ed Martin. From the many accolades that were heaped upon him it was obvious that being a teacher was not just a job to him but it was him.

One of the wonderful things about small communities is that to teachers such as Ed their work becomes a calling. This is their home and they take ownership and pride in not only theirs and their student’s success but the community as a whole.

The success of his students, the school and his community were all part of the job description. His community of the Vallecito School District current and former administrators, teachers and others honored his service.

The Ed Martin Track & Field was financed by a voter approved bond measure that funded not only the field but new air conditioning systems for the VUSD Schools and other long overdue capital improvements.