Arnold Business Community Honors Linda Baker & Jim Carlon

Arnold, CA…Recently the Greater Arnold Business & Community Association had a picnic at White Pines Park to Honor now retired long serving former Arnold Postmaster & Arnold Parade Coordinator Linda Baker and Original GABA founder Arnold Auto Supply’s Jim Carlon.

Without Linda Baker’s efforts the GABA Arnold Independence Day Parade would not have happened. She has worked tirelessly for the last 13 years as parade director to make sure the show has gone on every year. Putting together the parade every year on Hwy 4 is a herculean task. She has had to not only worry about the parade and its entrants and program but permitting, insurance and on and on.

Arnold Auto Supply’s Jim Carlon and the whole Carlon family are part of the indispensable glue the keeps the Arnold area on the move. Whether in front or behind the scenes they make sure events, causes, people and even vehicles keep moving forward. The have been doing this for not just an event here or there but for the last 45 years.

Jim Carlon was one of the founding fathers of the Greater Arnold Business Association and has helped push forward not only GABA, White Pines Park, The Veterans Park in Murphys and much, much more. Arnold Auto Supply is now for sale so Jim and the family can retire but many in the community are secretly hoping they just keep it rolling along for another 45 years.

GABA or GABACA puts on the Arnold Independence Day Parade, Holiday Events and more in addition to their core mission of promoting the local business community and “Building the Community by Shopping Local”.

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