Thor To Join Angels Camp Police Department

Angels Camp, CA…The Angels Camp Police K-9 Association is pleased to announce that we have located and purchased a replacement K-9 for the Angels Camp Police Department. After evaluating several dogs, we finally found an excellent dog that will be a great addition to the department. Thor is a 4.5 year-old Dutch Shepherd that was previously employed by the Stockton Police Department, and he is cross-trained for patrol work as well as narcotic detection work. His previous handler / owner took a job at a different department, and was seeking another agency that was in need of a proven police dog.


On 02/17/16, utilizing the community-donated funding, the K-9 association purchased Thor for $4,000.00. As soon as Sgt. Poortinga and Thor complete a bonding period, they will begin training together and start preparing for their initial certification. We anticipate that K-9 Thor and Sgt. Poortinga should be certified and working the streets in approximately one month. We will keep you updated on their progress, and as soon as possible we will provide more information regarding K-9 Thor’s swearing-in date.

The Angels Camp Police K-9 Association would like to thank the community for their support in this endeavor. Without your generous support this would not have been possible, and we appreciate all of the donors that did make it possible for us to assist the department and our community with this important asset.
