Bring Your Questions To SMUG’s March Meeting

Murphys, CA…Owners of Apple computer products are encouraged to bring their questions to the next meeting of the Sierra Macintosh Users Group (SMUG) to be held, Tuesday, March 8, from 2 to 4 p.m. in the community room of the Murphys Library, 480 Park Lane, adjacent to Murphys Park. “All of us, from time to time, run into problems that keep us from making full use of our iMacs, iPads, and iPhones,” says SMUG president Dick Cross. “During the meeting long time SMUG members Norm Milsner and Paul Keeton will attempt to solve these issues and answer all questions.”


Cross points out that the group’s basic philosophy is that there is no such thing as a dumb question.
“We all learn from each other’s problems and discoveries,” he says.
Paul Keeton, the club’s treasurer, will be accepting annual dues of $15 from members.

SMUG meetings are open to everyone and there is no charge to attend. The organization exists to keep Apple users abreast of the latest developments and to address the nagging questions that arise from time to time. Its goal is to take the mystery out of computers and to enable members to take advantage of all the features their Apple products possess.

SMUG was founded in 1995 and is a non-profit organization run completely by volunteers. For more information visit the SMUG website at or call 795-3798 or 728-9012.