Annual Roadside Weed Spraying 2023 (Put Out Signs If You Opt Out)

San Andreas, CA…Calaveras Public Works Department wants to inform the public that the annual roadside weed control spraying along county roads is beginning. Roadside weed spraying is important to prevent weeds from encroaching on the edges of roads, which can obstruct driver’s views, lead to road damage, and fuel wildfires. County staff typically sprays a 6’ swath of land immediately next to roads twice annually: near the middle to end of February, and again near the middle of April, depending on weather.

If you do not want spraying to occur on portions of your parcels that abut County-maintained roads, please opt out of the program by completing these two steps:

Call Public Works at (209) 754-6401 no later than March 3, 2023, to place your name and parcel address on the NO SPRAY list, and leave a message confirming:

Your name, parcel # and physical address (not mailing address).
The approximate location and length of zones on your parcel(s) on which you do not want roadside spraying to occur.

Place clearly legible signs (large enough to be seen from a moving truck) on two (2) locations of your parcel, per no spray zone:

First sign shall read BEGIN NO SPRAY ZONE.
Second sign shall read END NO SPRAY ZONE.
Note: as all roadside spraying will occur from the right side of the road only, ensure that the first sign encountered by the operator is BEGIN NO SPRAY ZONE.
Sufficient signage shall be visible from the road. NOTE: If your parcel’s fence line does not directly abut the road, consider mounting your sign to stakes driven near enough to the road for the operator to clearly see them.

Thank you for your support of this important program. Please call (209) 754-6401 with any questions.