Adult Education Strikes Gold in the Motherlode

Calaveras & Tuolumne, CA…There are approximately 340 adult education programs in California. For the 2021-22 school year, the adult education programs operated by Sonora Union High School District and the Calaveras County Office of Education (CCOE) both ranked in the top 5 for the entire state of California. Combined, these programs have given the Motherlode a 40% share of the most elite in the state for adult education graduation rate.

Sonora Adult School Photo (left to right): Student Isaac Cantu, Teacher Diana Mayben, and Student Kori Gilman


Since the 2018-19 school year, adult education programs across the state have faced serious challenges. Fewer students are enrolling and earning less diplomas or certificates overall. However, the Calaveras and Sonora adult education programs have excelled. Both programs are included in the ‘Top 5 Institutions for Earning a Diploma, GED or High School Equivalency’, according to the LaunchBoard, a statewide data system for adult education accountability and improvement.

Each adult education program serves an average of 35-40 students each year. Adults 18 years or older are eligible for the program. This service is offered for free and provides individualized support for students to help them reach their educational and career goals.

“Success for the Calaveras and Sonora adult education programs can be attributed to the personalized touch and support that is provided each student,” explained Jessica Dorris, CCOE’s Director of Curriculum and Instruction. “Our adult education teacher, Jenny Haskell, is dedicated to each and every one of her students, it’s incredible to witness.”

A recent student of Jenny Haskell stated, “I am very thankful to have found Jenny through Calaveras Adult Ed. We worked together to achieve a goal I thought I would NEVER achieve. Every obstacle I had, she had a solution. I would not be able to have the job I do today without Jenny. I feel she went above and beyond to help me, I even gave up and came back to her. With open arms she guided me to completing one of my goals and has been thereafter to see other goals I completed. She’s an amazing educator and her program is amazing. I wish more people knew about the program and wanted to take advantage of it.”

Sonora Union High School District Superintendent Ed Pelfrey explained, “Adult education teacher Diana Mayben supports her students in so many ways. Adult education is not just a program, it’s a person caring.” The Sonora program provides wrap around support to their students.

Sonora Adult School student Kori Gilman stated, “Ms. Mayben has been absolutely wonderful and more than accommodating. While having a small child, this program has allowed me to complete my dream of graduating. The process was much easier with the help of Ms. Mayben. Finally, after all these years I’ve officially graduated. It is such a huge weight off my shoulders. I can move forward with my life and go to college to pursue my dreams.”

Isaac Cantu, a Sonora Adult School student added about the program, “It’s been a light in a dark place. There’s one person that I couldn’t have done all of this without and that’s Mrs. Mayben. This program works and makes anything possible. It’s easily one of the best choices of my life. Thank you, Mrs. Mayben.”

Adults in Calaveras County can inquire more about the program at and adults in Sonora can visit
