Help Support & Sponsor the Arnold Independence Day Parade! You Can Feel Like Superman Too!

Arnold, CA…GABA is a non profit & we can use your help! keeping these traditions going, & making new ones takes money. Many of the other parades are on county roads and costs are less to keep the traditions alive. The GABA Parade is right on Hwy 4 and our permit cost from Caltrans this year was $2,800. Help us keep the traditions alive for generations to come!  The GABA Independence Parade is the Signature Holiday Event in the Arnold Area which creates generational memories for thousands of people every year!!  Thank you for your support!  You to can feel like superman just like Paul Bertini did in 2012!


All sponsorships and donations will accompany in’s parade and video story. Your name will be a permanent part of the coverage of the event and shared to social media as well.