Murphys Irish Day 2016…It Was A Goldilocks Day

Murphys, CA…Irish Day 2016 is in the history books. It was a Goldilocks kind of day in Murphys. The weather was not too hot or too cold but just right. The crowd was not too big or too small but just right and in the normal 15,000 range. The Parade was not too short or too long but just about right. The largest single day event in Calaveras County checked all the boxes to provide a great experience for visitors, fulfilled it’s expanded mission as a great marketing vehicle for the area and was enjoyable for locals that sometimes push back when the crowd sizes become too excessive. The Murphys Business Association can congratulate themselves and their volunteers that they got this one just about right. The area was lush & green from the recent rains, Irish day brought a nice influx of green to our area and it will bring future green as if you are going to make a trip to a great area we have to be high on any list.

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