Calaveas County Board of Supervisors are Back in Action Today

San Andreas, CA…Calaveas County Board of Supervisors are Back in Action Today. The full agenda is below…

Board of Supervisors
Regular Meeting
10/24/2023 9:00 AM
Board of Supervisors Chambers

891 Mountain Ranch Road   San Andreas, CA 95249


 Agenda  Agenda Packet
Live (Windows Media) Video
Call to Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance
Staff Announcements
This is a time for County staff to provide updates of upcoming County events that may be of interest to the public.
General Public Comment – 30 Minutes
Consent Agenda
1. Minutes of Oct 10, 2023 8:00 AM
2. 1. Approve an agreement with the State of California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) for the provision of emergency incident response (dispatch) services for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026 in an amount not to exceed $1,299,111.00; and 2. Authorize the Chair to execute State of California Agreement #4CA06610.
document Agreement Printout
a. CalFire Dispatch Contract FY 2023 – 2025 – Contract for Board Signature
b. 2023 Calaveras County Dispatching Report_CalFire
3. Approve budget transfers to increase the FY 2023-24 Capital Improvement Project appropriations, in the amount of $85,000, for expenditures related to the Rail Road Flat Community Center funded from the PG&E Settlement Fund. Requires a 4/5th affirmative vote of the Board.
document Action Item Printout
a. CIP – RRF Budget Transfer
b. PG&E Settlement Budget Transfer
4. Make public benefit findings and approve community organization district allocations in the total amount of seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00).
document Action Item Printout
5. Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the County Executive Officer, or Designee, to Apply for the Community Wildfire Defense Grant, up to $10,000,000.
document Resolution Printout
6. Adopt a Resolution establishing the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limits for the County of Calaveras and Special Districts.
document Resolution Printout
a. PUBLIC NOTICE 2023-24
7. Appoint applicant to serve on the Planning Commission pursuant to Government Code Section 54974(b).
document Action Item Printout
a. 20231019 Vacancy List
c. 2023 PC HLozano Ap_Redacted
8. By a 4/5 vote, adopt a Resolution to 1) place a measure on the March 5, 2024 ballot seeking voter approval to renew the collection of abandoned vehicle abatement fees pursuant to Vehicle Code Sections 9250.7 and 22710, and 2) request consolidation with any other election to be held on the same date.
document Resolution Printout
a. 23-82 City of Angels Resolution
9. Authorize the Board Chair to execute Amendment 01 to the Agreement with Aegis Treatment Centers, LLC for the provision of Drug Medi-Cal treatment services for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2024, increasing the total not-to-exceed amount from $375,000 to $550,000.
document Agreement Printout
a. 20211026-6327 After Meeting
b. Aegis A01 Exp. 6-30-24
10. Authorize 1) the Board Chair to sign an Agreement in an amount not to exceed $270,000 with Sierra Child and Family Services, Inc. to provide a Family Urgent Response System for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024; and 2) the Director of Health and Human Services Agency to sign amendment(s) to the Agreement, if any, so long as it does not affect the not to exceed amount.
document Agreement Printout
a. FURS Agmt. Exp. 6-30-24
11. Authorize the Board Chair to sign an Agreement with El Dorado County Office of Education for the provision of the IMPACT Legacy program in the amount of $136,349 over the period of August 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025.
document Agreement Printout
a. Exhibit A- Impact Legacy Grant 23-24
b. Exhibit B- First 5 CA Impact Legacy 2023 RFA
c. Exhibit C- Contractor’s Approved Budget and Budget Narrative
d. Exhibit D- First 5 CA Invoice Template
12. 1) Award Request for Proposals 23-0470-07-990; 2) Authorize the Board Chair to execute an Agreement with The Resiliency Initiative in an amount not to exceed $69,850.00 from October 24, 2023 through June 30, 2024 for the Calaveras County Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Update and Evacuation Annex; and 3) Authorize the County Executive Officer (CEO) to execute amendment(s) to the Agreement, if any, so long as doing so does not increase the not-to-exceed amount.
document Agreement Printout
a. The Resiliency Initiative – EOP Update and Evacuation Annex – Contract for Board Signature
13. 1) Award Invitation to Bid 23-1200-01-968 for construction of the Roadway Safety Signage Audit Project, Highway Safety Improvement Program project 5930-095; and 2) Authorize the Board Chair to execute a construction contract with Highway Specialty Company, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $4,432,325.
document Agreement Printout
a. 1020-2313 Highway Specialty Company, Inc.
14. Adopt a Resolution authorizing the release of security for Vista Plaza, Unit 2, Phase 1 Subdivision.
document Resolution Printout
15. Authorize the Board Chair to execute Amendment 01 to Agreement 1200-2101 with Unico Engineering, Inc. increasing the amount by $263,095 for a maximum amount not to exceed $3,132,817.49.
document Agreement Printout
a. 1200-2101 A01 Unico Engineering, Inc.
b. 1200-2101 UNICO Engineering, Inc. Exp 12-31-24
Regular Agenda
16. Receive an update from Stasey Whichel with Evergreen Solutions LLC, on the status of the comprehensive Classification & Compensation Study being conducted for the County.
document Informational Item Printout
a. Calaveras_Board Update102023
17. Approve a Side Letter Agreement with Calaveras County Public Safety Employees Association (CCPSEA) for (1) a one-time incentive and retention payment of $750.00 for permanent employees who meet the eligibility requirements as outlined in the agreement, and (2) salary increases for the classifications of Correctional Cook I/II, Dispatcher and Sr. Dispatcher. The accompanying budget transfer requires a 4/5 vote of the Board.
document Resolution Printout
a. CCPSEA Exhibit A
b. Budget Transfer
18. Select one member of the Board of Supervisors to act as the 2024 CSAC Representative and one member to act as the Alternate for the CSAC Association Year beginning November 13, 2023.
document Action Item Printout
a. 2022-2023 Board of Directors Roster
b. CSAC Board Nomination Memo
c. CSAC Board Selection Form for 2023-24
19. Receive a presentation from the Department of Public Works on its 5-year Strategic Plan.
document Informational Item Printout
a. Strategic Plan Presentation October 2023
20. 1) Conduct a Public Hearing, 2) Adopt the CEQA Negative Declaration, and 3) Approve Conditional Use Permit 2022-020 for the Calaveras Waste Recovery Systems transfer station located at 3543 Double Springs Road, Valley Springs (APN 040-004-021).
document Resolution Printout
a. 2022-020 Zoning Amendment for Cal-Waste presentation
b. Notice of Public Hearing
c. Final Draft Initial Study_Cal Waste_August 2023
d. Planning Commission Resolution 2023-013
e. Planning Commission Resolution 2023-014
f. Comments Received
g. Application and Project Description
h. Site Plan
21. Conduct a public hearing, adopt a CEQA Negative Declaration, and adopt an ordinance amending the zoning of APN: 040-004-021 from Business Park (M4) to General Industrial (M2) for Cal-Waste; authorize summary publication and a brief property description and map of the reclassified property.
document Ordinance Printout
a. Final Draft Initial Study_Cal Waste Expansion_August 2023
b. Planning Resolution 2023-013
c. Planning Commission Resolution 2023-014
d. Comments Received
e. Application and Project Decription
f. Site Plan
g. Notice of Public Hearing
h. DRAFT Summary Publication
22. Receive a presentation from the Planning Department and provide direction on the Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Workbook.
document Informational Item Printout
a. Staff Report and fully executed REAP MOU
b. REAP Calaveras Application 2021 PNM (1)
c. REAP Resolution
d. REAP Standard Agreement Signed by County and HCD 12-3-21
e. Total of Invoices Combined
f. ML ADU Calaveras BOS Slides Final 10.05.23
Supervisor Announcements
In compliance with Govt. Code § 53232.3(d), Board members shall provide brief reports on any meetings attended at the expense of the local agency, and may make other announcements or report out.