Groveland Ranger District to Begin 5,238 Acre China Ridge Underburn

Groveland, CA…With ignitions planned for today, crews on the Stanislaus National Forest’s Groveland Ranger District will begin prescribed fire operations on the China Ridge burn units.  The Chine Ridge burn units are located adjacent to the Groveland Ranger District office and following China Ridge south to Greeley Hill Road approximately four miles north east of Greeley Hill.  The majority of the underburn is adjacent to Smith Station Rd, Greeley Hill Rd, and Forest Service Road 2S05.

A total of up to 5238 acres will be treated over the next 5 years with low-intensity fire, with planned ignition on approximately 50- 200 acres daily. Size of burn may vary with weather and fuel moisture conditions, as well as permissible air quality burn days.

With the prescribed burn, fire professional will reduce the buildup of flammable forest fuels, both ground fuels and ladder fuels; reduce the threat of uncontrolled, large and damaging fires; treat activity generated fuels; improve protection for life, property, and resources.

Prescribed burning is an effective, cost-efficient method of reducing flammable forest fuels, improving firefighting capabilities, and reducing the impacts of large, uncontrolled damaging wildland fires.

Smoke may be visible from Smith Station Road and Highway 120 with some down canyon drift smoke visible in the evening and early morning.