Good Night Grizz Bowl For 2016 ~Bear Valley Update By Mattly Trent

Bear Valley, CA…Hey Good People! I just wanted to give everyone a heads up about the Grizzly Bowl and conditions…….Last nights low was 46F and coupled with the previous weeks heat laden days, conditions in the lower mtn have gotten better in an ever narrowing window of open to close. Today that has changed. Deep melt is currently the thing at 9:26am and with loose wet slides already occurring today we have made the call to close it down for the day and the rest of the season.

The warm temps over the last week have made the snowpack unable to get a good refreeze on over night and thus leads to springtime avalanche conditions. As Scotty would say…..”we’ve given her all she’s got”………it was great to see the Lwr Mtn come back online this season after not being operable for the last three. As we all know and love her, let’s all set her to bed and vie for another great year of snowfall next season and the Grizz gettin’ her game on!

Peace Out,