A Bit of Wisdom from the 1739 Poor Richard’s Almanac

Philadelphia, PA…Our Favorite Founding Father is Ben Franklin. He didn’t just help found our country during the 1776 era.   For two generations before he helped sell concepts of Freedom, Self-Determination & Inalienable rights. From 1733 to 1758 Poor Richards Almanac helped create the unique American identity in a homey, common sense, aspirational way. A few Bits of Wisdom from 1739…

If thou wouldst live long, live well; for Folly and Wickedness shorten Life.
Trust thy self, and another shall not betray thee.
He that pays for Work before it’s done, has but a pennyworth for twopence.
Historians relate, not so much what is done, as what they would have believed.
Thou canst not joke an Enemy into a Friend; but thou may’st a Friend into an Enemy.
He that falls in love with himself, will have no Rivals.
Let thy Child’s first Lesson be Obedience, and the second may be what thou wilt.
Blessed is he that expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.
Let thy Discontents be Secrets.
A Man of Knowledge like a rich Soil, feeds If not a world of Corn, a world of Weeds.
No Resolution of Repenting hereafter, can be sincere.
Honour thy Father and Mother, i.e. Live so as to be an Honour to them tho’ they are dead.
If thou injurest Conscience, it will have its Revenge on thee.
Hear no ill of a Friend, nor speak any of an Enemy.
Pay what you owe, and you’ll know what’s your own.
Beware of him that is slow to anger: He is angry for some thing, and will not be pleased for nothing.
Proclaim not all thou knowest, all thou owest, all thou hast, nor all thou canst.
Let our Fathers and Grandfathers be valued for their Goodness, ourselves for our own.
Industry need not wish.
Sin is not hurtful because it is forbidden but it is forbidden because it’s hurtful.
Nor is a Duty beneficial because it is commanded, but it is commanded, because it’s beneficial.
Great Beauty, great strength, & great Riches, are really & truly of no great Use; a right Heart exceeds all.