30 Years Ago, on September 10th, SNAC Sonora Opened!

Sonora, CA…Thirty years ago, SNAC Sonora opened with Shawn Seale, his business partner and wife Jill Seale, then business partners Tonja Peterson ard Laura Bowly. Before that Shawn was retailing from the back of his truck supplying essentials for his fellow river guides and adventurers and growing the Whitewater Kayak School called The Eddy Mart.

These wonderful pictures from the early 90’s bring us right back to the very beginning and include the original Eddy Mart brochure, Whitewater Kayaking days, early Conferences a. our wonderful friends that helped support us when SNAC was just starting out.

We will be posting more pictures and stories about the history of SNAC in the coming days so make sure you follow along, The whole library of photos is also available at snacattack.com.

Be sure to leave YOUR SNAC stories in the comments too,

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