Court Case Conundrums Back at Columbia State Historic Park

Columbia, CA…Join park staff and costumed volunteers in a live reenactment and solve a historical case during the interactive History’s Mysteries event four Saturdays this summer. This year’s mystery begins with a theft investigation which leads to some unusual findings. After watching the incident occur, visitors will have the opportunity to interview the witnesses and participate in a trial to find out what exactly happened and who is responsible.



History’s Mysteries will occur on July 23rd, Aug 6th, Aug 20 and Sept 3, at 10:00 am each morning. Space is limited to 50 people. Reservations are highly recommended. $5/adults and $1/children. Due to the nature of this event, parents may find it is not appropriate for children under age 12. However, child tickets are available for $1 each. Each child under 12 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. To purchase tickets, please visit the park museum or to buy online.

For more information about this event or other events at Columbia State Historic Park, please contact the park office at 209-588-9128.


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