Week Four of “This Week With The One Percent”

Arnold, CA…Welcome back and thank you for watching another week of “This Week With The One Percent” In this week’s video we go over all the events for this weekend. Our normal interview format returns next week!

One Percent Week Four

A bit about the One Percent!

The USDA did a study where they ranked all 3,111 counties in the lower 48 by scenery and climate. Calaveras County ranked 14 out of all 3,111 counties and Tuolumne, Alpine & Amador ranked in the top 1% as well. So if you live, work or recreate in our coverage area you are doing so in an area that is at the top of the charts..

On the real estate side there are only two counties in entire USA that rank higher on scenery and climate that have lower average home prices.

So if you add everything up including scenery, climate, communities, history, our wine regions, proximity to Yosemite and more it could be argued convincingly that there is no better place in the country to live than right here.

So you don’t need to be a billionaire to live like one. Just move here or pay us a visit. You are as rich as it gets!! Grey Poupon not needed!

One Response to "Week Four of “This Week With The One Percent”"

  1. Roger Stevenson   July 30, 2016 7:32 am - at 7:32 am

    Very Nice Article!