Meet the Girls … American Heritage Girls! Registration Party Is August 24th

Arnold, CA…Meet the Girls … American Heritage Girls! 2016 Registration Party AUGUST 24, 2015 4:00-6:00PM
Big Trees Community Bible Church, 1216 Blagen Rd. White Pines. Join us to learn about AHG Bring your family and enjoy fun, food and fellowship. Arnold families have discovered a new extra-curricular organization for their daughters called American Heritage Girls (AHG). AHG is a faith-based character development program for girls’ ages 5 – 18 dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country.


AHG Troop CA0016 is the first AHG Troop in Calaveras County. It is chartered at Big Trees Community Bible Church, located in Arnold at1216 Blagen Road.

Founded in 1995 in Cincinnati, Ohio, AHG has grown from ten troops and 100 members to more than 30,000 members across four countries and in 48 U.S. states. AHG continues to grow 30 – 50 percent each year, according to AHG national membership.

With an emphasis on faith, service and fun, girls choose from more than 240 badges, participate in service projects, leadership opportunities and outdoor experiences. Troops are led by adult volunteers who facilitate the AHG program while encouraging girl leadership. Faith-based organizations like churches, schools and civic organizations charter AHG to achieve their ministry goals for youth.

Visit view the AHG National Website